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  1. rmefbowhunter

    Chambers IH finished.

    That is a beauty and correct handed at that! Very well done, sir! Go forth and enjoy it to the full.
  2. rmefbowhunter

    A Priming Horn by Spark Mumma

    I am away from home currently but when I return I will try to take and post a few pictures of his horns.
  3. rmefbowhunter

    A Priming Horn by Spark Mumma

    Spark is an outstanding craftsman and the consummate gentleman as well. His priming horns are both functional and wonderfully decorated. I am lucky enough to have a few of his beautifully etched powder horns too. His wife Gail weaves gorgeous straps as well. Good folks.
  4. rmefbowhunter

    Possible new option for a cap making tool!

    Yes, I, too, would be very interested in a set of his dies. Add my name to the 'waiting' list, please.
  5. rmefbowhunter

    Youth Bucks County Build

    Nicely done! That should be one very happy youth shooter for sure.
  6. rmefbowhunter

    .36 cal SMR in Walnut completed

    Wonderful suggestion! I do have some real gum turpentine so will plan to give that a whirl. Thanks again!
  7. rmefbowhunter

    .36 cal SMR in Walnut completed

    Great! Thanks. The finish on the walnut looks really nice. Ordered walnut for my Fowler so think I will emulate your use of the BC filler before the T&T.
  8. rmefbowhunter

    .36 cal SMR in Walnut completed

    Really nice jib, sir! Will be anxious to hear your range report. Did you just use a jag and tight patch with the JB bore rub?
  9. rmefbowhunter

    SOLD - Pending funds Hot off the bench! Kibler Woodsrunner 50 cal!!

    Very nicely done! That’s a great buy for someone in need of a fine rifle.
  10. rmefbowhunter

    My Recent Rifle Build

    That is very p[easing to the eye, sir. Well done. And, it is correct handed to boot!
  11. rmefbowhunter

    Muzzleloader magazine

    Received my hard copy in the far NW corner of the continental 48 Thursday, the 25th.
  12. rmefbowhunter

    Gobbler #39

    Well told tale of a great hunt! Sometimes, in spite of all our screw-ups, Lady Luck of the Hunt shines down graciously opon us!
  13. rmefbowhunter

    My first powder horn.

    Very creative and well executed. Love the fact you found the horn yourself and used native mesquie @LonestarShootR Well done!
  14. rmefbowhunter

    New to everything!

    Welcome from the Pacific NW!
  15. rmefbowhunter

    Hello from Vancouver Island B.C.

    Welcome from just east of you in the San Juan Islands.
  16. rmefbowhunter

    Kibler side effect?

    Thanks for this. I have just added Rationalization #274 (above) to my long list of justifications for acquisition of additional toys.
  17. rmefbowhunter

    Solved the percussion cap issue.

    Might as well join the parade! I would like to add my name & vote for both #10 and #11 size2, either handheld version or preferably one for use in a reloading press.
  18. rmefbowhunter

    Caps Made In Idaho

    I am speaking from purely second hand information here, but a friend in the firearms business used to work at the Idaho production facility in question. His comment to me when I inquired about how hard it was to find rifle, pistol and shotgun primers was that "people do not have any idea just...
  19. rmefbowhunter

    How I Engrave A Powder Horn

    Wonderful tutorial, Bob! It is true gift to the community that you share both your artistry and your methodology so we can all learn and better appreciate all that goes into creating a work of art.
  20. rmefbowhunter

    Hello, im new around here, I'm kip s.

    Welcome from the wet and windy Pacific Northwest