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  1. rmefbowhunter

    JoAnns #40 cotton drill

    I found the same issue of it having been out of stock but now available anew. Just ordered a couple of yards to try.
  2. rmefbowhunter

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Wow! That one is awesome, Bob!
  3. rmefbowhunter

    Cleaning with Tow

    Etsy has several vendors who sell tow.
  4. rmefbowhunter

    Hello group, from the wet side of Washington State!

    Welcome from the San Juan Islands!
  5. rmefbowhunter

    Thoughts on recent build?

    for 11% of us, it is CORRECT handed! :cool:
  6. rmefbowhunter

    Thoughts on recent build?

    Can you post a link to the YouTube video please?
  7. rmefbowhunter

    Inquisitive Idiot

    Great advice! This is where that camera built into a mobile phone is so handy. Lots of 'before' photos during disassembly great aid some of us when it comes time to put things back together. As always, don't ask why I know. And why I have to re-learn this over and over again...
  8. rmefbowhunter

    My 83rd birthday present.

    Congratulations! Great rifle and awesome bag!
  9. rmefbowhunter

    Greetings from Poland. Old Guard Manufacture here.

    Welcome to the forum from the far northwest corner of the USA, the great Pacific Northwest!
  10. rmefbowhunter

    Hola from t-town washington

    Welcome from up the road on Orcas Island
  11. rmefbowhunter

    My new Merrill Flintlock Smoothbore!

    Outstanding piece! Your photos really showcase the graceful lines and craftsmanship. Congrats to you and @Majormusket on a very successful project. Enjoy!
  12. rmefbowhunter

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    You are making great progress TDM! I haven't made it past the doodling stage yet. Great to see your 'progress' pictures. Gives me hope!
  13. rmefbowhunter

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Another great horn, Bob! Love the design and execution. As always! Bill
  14. rmefbowhunter

    Current percussion cap source

    I used that site (Outdoor Limited) with zero problems. Received my caps within 5 days of ordering them.
  15. rmefbowhunter

    Another new project

    Excellent work, as always, Dave. I really like the color you achieved on the horn.
  16. rmefbowhunter

    Springfield Armory National Historic Site Visit

    Wonderful posting! I honestly feel like I was THERE! Great photos. Thank you for all of that effort.
  17. rmefbowhunter

    An English Newbie

    Welcome from the great Pacific Northwest of the USA!
  18. rmefbowhunter

    Hunt for Arrowheads

    I remember reading that poem in Gray’s! Well done and thank you for sharing.
  19. rmefbowhunter

    Hunt for Arrowheads

    There is a fascinating video of Steven Rinella (aka The Meateater) and his cohorts butchering a bison with clovis points under the studious eyes of a team of anthropologists who wanted to see if the resulting markings on the bones were similar to bones that have been excavated from ancient...