They have a "T" handle that extends the length of the ramrod when loading and cleaning. Treso have them. It would probably extend the rod enough when you need it. If you need longer, thread adapters will extend the length. T handle part # 11 79 08
Have an A, B, and C, class. Start at C and when high scores for C are obtained, move to B. etc. I hate to shoot my best for a 72 year old with failing eyes and then see myself at the bottom of a long list.
Never load from the powder horn or can.
Use a non-sparking powder measure, brass, horn, or wood
Never put your face over the barrel
Never "palm" the ram rod when ramming the ball down the barrel
Never cap the rifle until you are ready to shoot
You can use Pyrodex or other black powder...
I had a Chiappa and it came with a 56 caliber barrel. Had to get the barrel relined. I also had two blocks for the rifle, one for brass or cardboard tube and one for paper. Never used the paper block. The cardboard tubes with 50 grain of 2f worked so well that I was getting 1 to 1 1/2 inch...
When you think your flinter turned into a caplock, you know that you are doing well. (I wrote "you are" cause I'm too darned lazy to use the " ' ". Hello from Idaho.
Welcome from Idaho. Remember that for every idea proposed by us members, there is another idea purposed by other members that is different. The fun part is finding out which works best for you and your rifle.
I use paper towels for cleaning and drying my bore. They suck up water like nothing else made. They are very cheap and you can see how clean your bore is on their white color. I fold a piece of towel til it is tight in the bore when inserted, I have almost never lost any off the jag, Now I...
Sorta makes you wonder how much soap, alcohol, and WD40 they brought with them to the mountains. I am not making jest, just writing that there had to be an easier way when all you had was water, cloth, and whale/bear oil.