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  1. H

    My balls

    I'll grind down the top of the mold, so the sprues are shorter. If I screw it up, I'll get a lee mold.
  2. H

    My balls

    The spurs were taller when I had the hinge screw tightened. Not sure what to do. Maybe it's just the Lyman mold?
  3. H

    My balls

    Okay I tried again today, using the advice I received. I made a few changes: I loosened the hinge screw on the sprue cutter. I think keeping the screw tight kept the cutter elevated off the mold. With a loose sprue cutter and a downward strike, the sprues are shorter. I ran everything A LOT...
  4. H

    My balls

    I noticed that I was getting shiny balls at the start, when I had the lead pot set at 10 (for the initial melting) and the mold wasn't as hot. But I was also getting 100% defective balls. Casting is definitely an art form.
  5. H

    My balls

    I bought a Lee mold for my .36 cal RBs but I haven't used it yet.
  6. H

    My balls

    The spurs seem too large, bit the spur cutting bolt is cranked down all the way. Can't cut them any shorter. Am I running the lead too hot?
  7. H

    My balls

    Do my balls look okay? I bought a Lyman double mold and started casting my own balls. I'm using an electric lead pot with a bottom pour spout. I followed the mold instructions and have read everything I can about casting balls. It's definitely an art. About half of my balls have defects, and I...
  8. H

    Fort Frederick 18th Century Market Fair

    Thanks LD! I went last year, but I didn't know what I wanted or needed, or what I was looking at.
  9. H

    The far left state

    I lived in California 1960-1983, and LOVED living there. Every day I would wake up to a clear blue sky and thank god that I lived in California. I left the state in 1983 for boot camp, and never moved back. But I continued to play and ski in California until the mid-1990s, until I moved out...
  10. H

    Fort Frederick 18th Century Market Fair

    So... Is there anything in particular that I should look for or buy while I'm at Fort Frederick?
  11. H

    How do you stabilise your rifle for load testing/sighting in?

    What wondering said. Sight in your rifle using the method you normally use to shoot. I always shoot offhand, so I sight in my rifles offhand. I start at 15 yards and work my way back to 100 yards. Bench and offhand shooting both introduce their own peculiar set of errors. Doesn't make sense...
  12. H

    Grandpa stories

    My 95 year old grampa told me that he didn't need Viagra. "You know why?" he asked. "Because I got me a younger woman. She's only 85." True story.
  13. H

    Beaded Strike-A-Light Pouch

    Working with 11/0 beads looked daunting
  14. H

    Beaded Strike-A-Light Pouch

    It looks good from 10 feet. Up close, not so much.
  15. H

    18th century folding knife

    I gotta try that!
  16. H

    Beaded Strike-A-Light Pouch

    I thought I'd try my hand at making a beaded strike-a-light pouch. I started about 5 times and ripped out all the stitching before I finally got the hang of it. My first beading project, no laughing allowed :). It's quite an involved process. There's a lot of strategy in choosing where to start...
  17. H

    G Gedney Godwin ?

    I placed an order with GG about two months ago for about $300. I did not get a reply to any of my e-mails. Finally I called. He answered the phone right away. He said my order was backlogged many months, so I cancelled the order. Then I called my cc company and filed a dispute just in case my...
  18. H

    Plastic wads/shot cups

    I get 10-inch groupings at 100 feet with 00 buckshot and my 12-gauge shotgun
  19. H

    SOLD Wool Capote/Blanket Coat( big price reduction

    What is your sleeve length (point of shoulder to wrist)? This make fit me