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  1. H

    Bore Scope Results - Interpretation?

    Thank you all for the comments. I don't relish the thought of working up a new powder-patch-ball combination after re-cutting the bore to .54 cal, and melting down 1,000 balls and re-casting new ones. So I'm just gonna scrub my bore with Scotch Brite and valve grinding paste, and continue to...
  2. H

    Bore Scope Results - Interpretation?

    45 inch camera probe
  3. H

    Double trigger repsir.

    You're not showing enough of the trigger. Do you have a spring tension screw? Backlash screw?
  4. H

    Bore Scope Results - Interpretation?

    This is my "beater" rifle. I take it out in the rain and mud, beat it up. Keep it oiled and clean it up afterwards. Not too worried about it, but for the price of having the bore re-cut I'm gonna do it.
  5. H

    Bore Scope Results - Interpretation?

    These were spit patches. I have since switched to bear oil & tallow.
  6. H

    Bore Scope Results - Interpretation?

    I did a little Scotch Brite cleaning, and took some new photos with the bore cleaned up some more. This is mostly down by the breech. I talked with Robert Hoyt, looks like I'll send him my rifle after the New Year. A .54 caliber is in my future.
  7. H

    Bore Scope Results - Interpretation?

    Understand But practically speaking, what does that mean as far as shooting this rifle? Fouls more easily? Inaccurate? What?
  8. H

    Bore Scope Results - Interpretation?

    What does that mean, practically speaking? I clean the bore with water and a little Murphy's oil soap. I've cleaned it a few times with a 5-minute soak with peroxide. I don't think that's enough to damage high-carbon steel. This is a well-used rifle from an active shooter, before I purchased...
  9. H

    Bore Scope Results - Interpretation?

    I bought a 35-year old .50 cal flintlock last year, and I finally put a borescope down the barrel. Can anyone with technical expertise tell me what you're seeing? The bore is pretty uniform all the way down, no particular damage in any one spot that I can see. The entire bore looks about the...
  10. H

    Hammer gets stuck on the half cock: diagnosis?

    Wow! Stops at half cock from full cock. I've never seen a lock without a fly. Wondered how to cock and fire a rifle without a fly. Must be frustrating to pull a hammer from un cock through half cock to full cock only to have the hammer fall to half cock when you pull the trigger. That's a big...
  11. H

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    It's getting cold. I need a winter greatcoat. Half machine sewn, half hand sewn.
  12. H

    My, my … now THOSE are bigguns!

    That wall gun is for sale? My wife would actually approve of me buying that thing. I have a squirrel rifle with a 44-inch barrel. She approves of the length but would like a bit more girth. What's the asking price???
  13. H

    Stock coming in too dark

    A wipe down with hydrogen peroxide will remove that aqua fortis stain right quick!
  14. H

    Was Dutch right about wiping between shots?

    Ew. Doesn't that get itchy?
  15. H

    Best Animal fat for lube?

    Beef tallow is easily obtained in the grocery store, and it doesn't go rancid. I mix 2 parts beef tallow to 1 part bear oil. Heat it sightly until it all liquifies and mixes. Let it cool, and it's a very soft paste. I keep a tin in my rifle bag. I wouldn't use wax in my rifle, gums up the...
  16. H

    Ugly Stained Stock

    I discovered this by accident when I spilled peroxide on my stock. It left bleached streaks across my stock. So I just washed the entire stock with H2O2 and then re-finished the stock.
  17. H

    Ugly Stained Stock

    Recently I refinished my stock. Washed it down with hydrogen peroxide, which cleaned off a lot of junk and bleached to wood. Then I reapplied aqua fortis. Looks great.
  18. H

    Gun range lead concerns

    Do people around there get their water from wells, or a public water system? If the former, then the complainers may have legal standing. Has the groundwater been tested? I live in a red state where industry has been basically unregulated. I had to install an $8,000 well water filtration system...
  19. H

    Rifleman's knife

    Based upon all the books that I read about the Ohio Country of western Virginia, I would say the answer is scalping Indians. And the Native Americans used similar knives to scalp the European settlers.
  20. H

    How do you tune a set trigger?

    I used a red grease pencil