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  1. Josephg

    Different lubricant

    CLENZOIL, how did I miss that? Made in the USA? Sounds gut.
  2. Josephg

    Different lubricant

  3. Josephg

    Inletting Black

    My first jar bought from Brownells in the seventies. Ran out a couple years ago. Got some ink from the local newpaper and mixed with vaseline. When you get down to the fine scraping, smoke is best.
  4. Josephg

    Different lubricant

    I never said I didn't like it. Read my post again.
  5. Josephg

    Different lubricant

    MSDS, I never thought of that. No need to. I trust um. And your not supposed to go around telling about it. It's secret.
  6. Josephg

    Different lubricant

    I don't care that's why I didn't mention the other ingredients. Besides, it's secret.
  7. Josephg

    Different lubricant

    If its a secret how do you know what is in it? Yes I know you stated what is in it.
  8. Josephg

    Different lubricant

    My can says, "White mineral oil, proprietary distillate - trade secret. " I don't know what's in it because it's a trade secret. Yeah it does smell a bit like licorice. Ransid licorice.
  9. Josephg

    Different lubricant

    I ordered Ballistol a couple months ago. Same thing, hearing friends rave about it. First thing I did was read the ingredients on the can. Mineral oil. Huh, I've got five gallon buckets of mineral oil in the shop. Ballistol smells a bit rancid to me. Works just fine. That one can will last me...
  10. Josephg

    Soft Pure Lead??

    I've used both for plinking and a little target shooting. Cannot tell any difference between the two and they load the same. But from a technical point, the hard ball will not allow the patch to imprint and stick to the ball as it exits the muzzle. Thus no detrimental affect on accuracy. And I...
  11. Josephg

    What is your favorite era of muzzleloading?

    Percussion schuetzen, slug gun and picket rifles interest me most.
  12. Josephg

    Barrel cleaning issue

    You keep cleaning that bore and you aint a gonna have no rifling left. I ain't had time to read the whole thread yet but it don't look all that bad to me.
  13. Josephg

    Number of firearms

    Depends on the event. Just RB match I take two, one for a backup. I've taken up to four rifles for a match. If I have rifles I want to play with I take those too.
  14. Josephg

    FFg and small bore

    Since when is using the best powder for a firearm being politically correct?
  15. Josephg

    FFg and small bore

    My nipple and drum .45 hang fires a lot using FF. Frustrating when I forget to bring along FFF. I have plenty of FFF so all I gotta do is remember what flask or horn has FFF. And remember to bring it along.
  16. Josephg

    Crescent Buttstock

    I've shot just about every type of buttplate shape ever made. I like them all. On the upper arm or on the shoulder makes no difference to me. I do get an extra kick out of shooting this Austrian percussion schuetzen rifle right handed with my left eye. My German stalking rifle with cheek plate...
  17. Josephg

    Main charge question

    .58 Hawken. 50 grains. I'm a sissy and so far have only hunted bullseye targets. My buddy Mike used 100 grains in his .54 Hawken. Last year at a match he told me the breech swelled so he stopped shooting it. Mike shoots a lot. Like two cases of powder a year. Mike told me he shot that load...
  18. Josephg

    How many offhand shots before back pain?

    I shoot a lot of offhand matches with heavy rifles in the 12 -16 pound range. Six years ago I started using an inversion table. That simple device has added new life to my shooting. Before using it I could not get 80 shots off in two hours with a 12 pound rifle without severe pain in my back...
  19. Josephg

    Excuse Me, I'm Loading

    Nevermind. Pissn match in progress.
  20. Josephg

    Excuse Me, I'm Loading

    Talking with people dont bother me. Makes me consentrate on loading. I don't like loading and talking while match shooting but I try not to let it show. Usually when I dry ball is when I'm all alone.