I don't have that particular issue with mine swapping cylinders doesn't move the poa at all.
Changing the factory nipples to Slixxshots took it from a tack driver to not hitting anything.
Swapped over to tow stainless and back to tack driving.
I had issues with the lee .45 conicals backing out under recoil and jamming the cylinder.
Also were a pita to seat straight the Kerr from Erasgone loads easily,straight and stays in during discharge.
I still prefer roundball for most things.
I Ordered one for a target model 1858 and it came in this morning.
Pretty well made and comfortable with a lot of room for adjustment.
The hammer strap is pretty worthless but you'd have to take a hard fall upside down to dislodge the pistol without it.
Much cheaper at Midway than triple k for...
I find .33 to be the best for the Uberti 1849.
I cast 00 buck from a lee mold for roundballs and use the eras gone conical for conicals which is my preferred round on 15 grains of pyrodex or t7.
The most frustrating and hardest pistol to get running reliably in my collection.
Doubled mainsprings...
I tried using leather and it was cutting a plug and clogging the nipples.
Went with uncharged tap caps and they work great.
You can really see exactly how hard and how flush the hammer strike is works on rifles as well.
Why is that?
I assumed it was there and called a cleanout for a reason and have been using it as such each time I clean the gun.
Haven't had any issues and it was definitely screwed in too far when I got the gun the nipple wouldn't even sit flush.