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  1. SlidePicker

    Ditch The Patch Knife

    My precut, prelubed patches are in an Altoids tin, too.
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    Bread baking weather ahead

    I have sourdough rising on top of my Challenger in the garage now.
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    Cleaning Brass Furniture

    I was answering a question about ammonia. Posts and replies don't necessarily show up in order.
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    Cleaning Brass Furniture

    Brass. It causes corrosion between the grains of the alloy. Cartridge cases crack because of that. Not a problem here, where we don't talk about things like that.
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    Cleaning Brass Furniture

    Tarn-X chemically reduces the oxides without scrubbing. It makes tarnished brass bright almost instantly. I discovered to my sorrow that it does the same to blued steel. Tarn-X® Tarnish Remover | For Sterling Silver / Plate, Platinum, Copper & Gold)
  6. SlidePicker

    Military Heritage 1766 Charlieville round ball size

    I have a nominally .69 caliber Indian made smoothbore fowler bought from Middlesex Village Trading Company. First thing I did was try a bare .69 caliber ball in the muzzle. No go. With a caliper inside the muzzle it measures .677", right at 15 bore. I don't use cartridges or patches, I wad like...
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    Goex News......

    At least as of the early 1970s, Army self propelled 155mm howitzers used bagged powder with a pad bag of black powder on the breech end, fired by a blank with black powder loaded in a 45-70 cartridge case. I was under the impression that all U.S. artillery using separate loaded ammunition worked...
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    Bread baking weather ahead

    I started mine on the back deck, March 2020. It's worked mighty well since.
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    Aging fake ivory grips ??

    Smoking was a joke, but I bet smoking them will work better than any other ideas I've seen on here yet. Need to rig up a mini-smoker using pipe tobacco.
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    Bread baking weather ahead

    It's always bread baking weather! My sourdough loves to rise on top of my car in the hot garage with one or both car engines hot and the old refrigerator running. I don't know what the temperature gets to, but it's HOT!
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    Frizzen Tempering?

    Why did you put it inside a pipe to heat it? Did you put in bone meal, old leather, or such to case harden it?
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    1.5 swiss/goex in a 16 gauge

    I'm shooting Jack's Powder Keg #44 black powder for small cannons and muskets. It's made by Goex, and appears to be 4FA blasting & fireworks powder. That's unglazed powder, the "pass" screen is the same as for Fg and the "stop" screen is the same as for FFg. So it covers the granule size...
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    Brown Bess Update/More Questions re cleaning

    I'd never thought of using alcohol in gun cleaning until I read about it here. So I gave it a try. When I used it on a percussion pistol, a little oozed back from the muzzle and instantly marred the stock finish badly. It is shellac! I've been trying to French polish it, but haven't yet gotten...
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    How do I prevent carbon ring under nipple?

    For an instant, I thought I'd gotten on a forum for health questions.
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    New from Ohio with a historic long rifle

    Welcome from East Tennessee.
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    Minnie in a smoothie

    Those were for smoothbores that had been rifled, to modernize them. Conical bullets need spin stabilization.
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    Lead vs Bismuth

    Nuthatch, your balls won't be wavy if you get your mold hot first.
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    Minnie in a smoothie

    For .58 calibers Lyman made or makes a "New Style Minié" with a large, thin walled, near cylindrical base cavity instead of the usual coned cavity. It's big, close to 600 grains IIRC, and round nosed. The weight is concentrated forward with a relatively long, light base. That would come closer...
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    Help with 16 gauge fowler

    The 12 gauge tip will probably work as it is. I use a 12 gauge jag in my 15 gauge fowler. The jag, wrapped with a patch, has to be able to go through a 12 gauge full choke which is in the neighborhood of .69".
  20. SlidePicker

    Granddaddy of Production Muzzleloaders?

    Many years ago, an elderly friend gave me his reloading equipment and supplies.Lots of classic stuff from the 50s. Among the stash were two of those hair crimper molds for round balls, .720" and .375". I bet Turner Kikland cherried those molds himself. I've shot a good many balls from the .720" one.