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  1. SlidePicker

    Hearing Protection?

    An older friend was a B-29 navigator in WWII. He was trained in operating the fire control system. They had a practice rig set up in the desert with a dummy fuselage with a turret with four .50s firing from behind just over his head with an open roof. That was mighty hard on his ears, he said...
  2. SlidePicker

    Best food ever while out hunting

    And Milky Way Midnight!
  3. SlidePicker

    Best food ever while out hunting

    That's wonderful, especially because your dad made it for you! My wonderful food memories out in the woods are of things like canned Vienna sausages, for which you need a pair of truck keys to extract the first one out of the center.
  4. SlidePicker

    Guess The Price That Was Paid Circa 1990 !

    It had gone way up by 1990. I'll guess $10.25.
  5. SlidePicker

    Spark making other then flint/chert?

    I'm sure I've seen cut Arkansas stone flints for flintlocks for sale 30+ years ago. Maybe in a magazine, maybe in a Dixie catalog. I thought it looked interesting, but didn't buy any. Flints were hard to find in that time, but I bought some expensive English rifle flints from Dixie and still...
  6. SlidePicker

    Need some advice

    I just ordered a large batch of the plastic caps, which I know from a review have a good many empty ones, from Walmart online. I also checked that my local Bass Pro has roll caps in stock. I plan to punch those out and insert them into plastic caps as one does with the Tap-O-Cap made cups, to...
  7. SlidePicker

    SOLD 72 cal Percussion Pistol (SPF)

    My wife says OK! PM coming.
  8. SlidePicker

    Need some advice

    I got the plastic caps when I could get neither caps nor real black powder. They won't ignite Pyrodex in my Walker replica. Toy caps are loaded much lighter than they were when I was a kid, due to Federal safety standards that limit the noise they make Thought about punching out tape caps and...
  9. SlidePicker


    The flint nodules reminded me that when I was about 7 I went on a road trip to Arizona with my family, and in a roadside tourist trap we bought some "Apache Tears." I just read the Wikipedia article about these obsidian nodules found embedded in gray perlite. They have a lithologic name...
  10. SlidePicker

    Pig with 1858 36

    A good buddy of mine who recently passed away served for a time in the early 1970s as a Bristol, Virginia policeman during his long and varied career. He carried a .36 cap and ball revolver as his service weapon.
  11. SlidePicker

    New Member in Montana

    Welcome from Northeast Tennessee.
  12. SlidePicker

    New leather slip case

    I might oil it as suggested above, but I wouldn't dye it.v
  13. SlidePicker

    Cleaning - Fouling swelling mid-clean

    Of course. I'm asking, will it stay corrosion free in a humid climate afterward. I'm a little doubtful of all of the hygroscopic salts being removed by a quick swabbing with alcohol. It's got a big advantage in evaporating quickly. It's hard to get a water washed bore dry.
  14. SlidePicker

    Cleaning - Fouling swelling mid-clean

    Smoothshooter, I've never heard of this method. I've read since the '60s that water is necessary to get the fouling out and prevent rust. Will your method work in a humid climate? I'm here to learn.
  15. SlidePicker

    New Old Guy

    Moderator, Loyalist Dave or whoever got me hooked up, thank you! I'm talking to harleynut now. If you'd like to delete these messages about it, they're not pertinent to this thread. Thanks again, I'm sorry to trouble you!
  16. SlidePicker

    CLOSED Price reduced .69 cal British horse pistol 375.00

    I'll take it. I'll see if I can send you a PM.
  17. SlidePicker

    New Old Guy

    Dave, perhaps you can do me a favor. As a new guy, my comments are all held up awaiting moderator approval except for this one and I can't initiate a PM conversation with anyone. Harleynut had posted a Japanese .69 cal horse pistol that now has "closed." His last comment was that if nobody gave...
  18. SlidePicker

    Well I guess im jumping in to flints

    That looks great! I love red wood stains! My first and only build so far is a flintlock Dixie Tennessee Mountain Rifle back in 1980, which I still have and shoot. I went even redder on it!
  19. SlidePicker

    New Old Guy

    Thanks, everybody!
  20. SlidePicker

    How much patch lube to use ?

    I precut patches and put them in an Altoids tin with Murphy's Oil Soap straight from the bottle. They soak it up very slowly. I pretty nearly saturate them. I'm shooting at the range, not keeping it loaded for long, so it doesn't dampen the powder. I had the spit patch idea in mind. The liquid...