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  1. M

    Did I get sold bad caps?

    These do have red foil in the caps before firing when you look, correct?
  2. M

    Did I get sold bad caps?

    Why would anyone? I don't see how it effects the caps at all.
  3. M

    T/C New Englander

    The express rifle is the one I was thinking of. They look just like a New Englander lock, tang, barrel, etc., except with a pistol grip stock. I'm pretty sure the only one I ever saw had a slow twist barrel. They are rare, I've only ever seen one.
  4. M


    The only time you should be touching the end of the ramrod for seating is the last couple inches. At that point, an open hand will prevent busted knuckles. A better invention is a ball you can screw on if your hands are sensitive. I don't use one for loading, but I keep a T handle with for...
  5. M

    Did I get sold bad caps?

    I've had my share of caps that were not seated all the way down, and also nipples that were not perfect fits. I've never once had the priming compound squish into the hole, and the peculiar thing is it looks like it is on the outside as well. Sometimes priming compound can fall out, but it...
  6. M

    T/C New Englander

    Sometimes I come across old TC adds, and it never stops amazing me the things they used to make. I can not confirm that 1:60 is a factory twist for a New Englander, but I wouldn't bet against it. I actually think it is 1:66", but close enough. Most, if not all were 1:48". Their carbines were...
  7. M

    SOLD 10gauge shotgun sxs 450.00

    That's nothing. One time I was trying to sell a plain old aluminum boat on C list, and it sat around for 2 months in the fall, never got anything but flakes. I left it for a few weeks, then for whatever dumb reason reposted it, same add, same place, in mid December, probably 11pm at night. When...
  8. M

    SOLD 10gauge shotgun sxs 450.00

    No worries, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out.
  9. M

    SOLD 10gauge shotgun sxs 450.00

    So what ever happened with this? I said I'd take it, but never got a response. I see you later said pending sale, but am I the sale or not?
  10. M

    Chronographing Shot?

    Mmm, that still doesn't look good. I wouldn't take a shot at 20 yards with that anyway. Did you try just card wads only? I've done wad seal testing in the past, you can probably find the thread. With card wads, you will need at least 1/8" thick stack of card, more is better to get a good seal...
  11. M

    Chronographing Shot?

    I'm sure you can get #6 bismuth to work. I shoot #6 lead, but I'm shooting much heavier payloads. You can only push a 50 caliber so far, and 1 ounce is already up there. 25 yards might be pushing it, but you should be able to at least get to 20 yards. Try the wads as I said, you might be...
  12. M

    Chronographing Shot?

    Oh wow. Yes, I wouldn't hunt until you can put 100 on that paper plate. Is there a reason you are using bismuth? #6 is about perfect for turkeys, but #7.5 lead will allow you to get more pellets per ounce, and penetration is about the same. There's a millon ways to load a shotgun, but since you...
  13. M

    Chronographing Shot?

    Lab Radar does not work with shotguns. I have yet to meet or read about someone who has had even mediocre success. Lab Radar themselves say just don't try, it's futile. The technology can not work with multiple projectiles. Use a standard skyscreen chronograph. Accept that if you send enough...
  14. M

    How To Stop a Moving Buck Deer

    You as well. No racks for me this week though. Heading out to WY for antlerless elk Saturday. No muzzleloader sadly. I'm cheating this one.
  15. M

    How To Stop a Moving Buck Deer

    Well, sure younger bucks come back. There must be fifty 6 and 8 points, for every true big 10+ rack buck.
  16. M

    How To Stop a Moving Buck Deer

    That tactic works fine if you are hunting a deer. It does not work if you are hunting THE deer. Unless you are retired, or somehow can otherwise hunt an entire season, you only get to see a buck you are after once. They don't come back.
  17. M

    How To Stop a Moving Buck Deer

    I've seen the same thing. When they get in close, I find it best to not make any sound.
  18. M

    How To Stop a Moving Buck Deer

    My guess is you are stopping your swing, a very common thing with pretty much anyone who doesn't regularly shoot shotguns. There really isn't that terribly much lead required for a muzzleloader ball at reasonable ranges. At 50 yards, a .490 ball with a MV of 1450 fps will take about 0.122...
  19. M

    SOLD 10gauge shotgun sxs 450.00

    I never got a PM back.
  20. M

    How To Stop a Moving Buck Deer

    Distance definitely plays a roll. A deer under 20 yards away is not nearly as willing to cooperate as one that is 50 yards or more away. Outside of 50 yards, I don't think deer even hear the click of the hammer being pulled back. Inside of 20, they sometimes all but backflip at that click...