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  1. W

    Asking for help with a Rifle Shoppe Baker Rifle: groups at 50 yards have become dreadful.

    I am struggling with creating accuracy with a Rifle Shoppe Baker .62 caliber rifle. I have about 85 rounds downrange so far out of a new barrel. The gun itself looks superb, and the bore appears to be pristine. But since I began shooting it last year, its accuracy has steadily gotten worse. It...
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    Flintlock rifles in Alaska

    I'm planning a June trip to the Anchorage, Alaska area and I'm researching any flintlock rifle use in the area. What if anything did they use? Are there any museums where I might see any artifacts? Thanks in advance.
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    Advice for visiting Alaska

    Greetings from California! I'm planning a June trip to the Anchorage, Alaska area and I'm researching any trade musket/Brown Bess/blunderbuss displays in local museums. I'm especially interested in any Native American use. Any advice, please? Thanks in advance.
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    Black powder shooting in Hawaii

    Hi all. Does anyone know anyone residing in Hawaii who might help me write a magazine article about black powder shooting in Hawaii, if there is any? Best of all would be living history. Thanks!
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    Shooting steel ball bearings out of a Pedersoli Bess

    Here in the far left state of California, lead has been outlawed for hunting. That means that I can't carry any lead ball on me in the forest. If a game warden stops me it's very unfortunate, and apparently often involves the loss of the firearm. They make a bismuth ball for the .62 bores but...
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    The Top 10 or 12 Smoothbore guns

    Black powder muzzleloaders. Any thoughts? 1. Matchlock musket. 2. Snaphaunce musket. Please help. I'm writing. Thanks in advance.
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    Flintlock rifles for small-sized shooters

    Such as my nine year old daughter and tiny wife. Advice welcome. What would you select? Thanks in advance.
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    Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

    The ladies in the movie appear to be equipped with Baker rifles. Any idea who made them? Good gear choice. :grin:
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    Non-lead round ball for the Brown Bess?

    Since I live in the Great (Lead-free) central coast of California, I can't take a smoothbore musket hunting for pigs or deer unless I use non-lead ball. I have found .601" ball available from ITX, so I can take the fusil. But is there a 12 gauge ball available for the Brown Bess? I can't find...
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    Tomahawk target???

    I have a sheet of plywood screwed onto a shed wall as a target to rediscover our tomahawk skills. What easily-purchased, somewhat-weatherproof substance may I bolt over that so that the tomahawk will stick? Advice welcome. Thanks in advance.
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    Cleaning a very rusty cast iron pan

    Greetings! I have a very rusty antique Danish cast iron aebelskiever pan. It lay without my knowledge in my mother's back yard for years. Seriously rusty. Is there any way to clean it? Advice welcome. Thanks.
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    Early Navy Arms Brown Bess: who made it?

    Garage sale gun, beat up and rusty. Bore is good. The barrel seems very thin. Who made it? Is it a good gun? Thanks....
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    The Colt Walker Revolver

    Does anyone have any experience shooting these? Any thoughts/comments? Thanks in advance!
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    What do I do when the custom gunbuilder sends me garbage?

    Hmmm I've got an interesting challenge. Essentially I'm a long-term novice blackpowder shooter. I ordered a Baltic cheekstock flintlock from a reputable custom builder, for $1,800. I waited years, and paid in full when he informed me that the gun was ready. The gun finally arrived, covered in...
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    Fiberglass ramrod for Pedersoli Jaeger

    I have broken two wooden ramrods in my Pedersoli Jaeger loading the non-lead projectiles now required in my area of California. So I purchased the fiberglass replacement ramrod which was slightly too wide. After some trimming with a Dremel tool, it now fits, but the fiberglass splinters are...
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    Lyman Great Plains Hunter goes "crunch" not "bang"

    Hi all. I am shooting a .50 Lyman Great Plains Hunter with CCI Magnum #11 percussion caps on an aftermarket stainless steel nipple, with 90 grains of FFG. During my most recent range day, 4 of the 11 shots went "crunch" not "bang". The shots then fired when I recocked and shot again. Groups are...
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    Historic weapons museums in AZ, NM, and TX

    Hi all... I have to drive on a business trip from central California down highways 8 and 10 to San Antonio. In the process I am hoping to research muzzleloading firearms to the old west. What can you recommend? What historic sites? What museums? I am especially interested in the Brown Bess in...
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    Comparison of 17th Century Pistols

    I recently had a chance to compare two 17th Century replica pistols. One is a Middlesex Village English Doglock pistol, which cost $250 to buy and was delivered to the buyer in two weeks. The other is a Rifle Shoppe snaphaunce pistol assembled by White Muzzleloading. It cost about $900 and...
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    Cleaning the rust off a musket

    I'm sure this has been beaten to death...but I have a question...I have a 1777 Middlesex Charleville which is used to teach college students about muskets. I haven't fired it yet. It's been sitting patiently in the corner. Anyway it is growing rust around the barrel bands and sling swivels, and...
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    Any thoughts on the above movie, starring Al Pacino? I seem to remember seeing a percussion gun or two...any other comments? Very stream-of-consciousness sort of presentation. Thanks for any insight.