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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. Freedom

    Colonial at 200 Yards

    Was gifted a new IPSC plate for Christmas. Lots of snow here so I'm just now trying it out...and wow does it ring nicely. Hung it on a post near my plowed road and drove back to the ridge. Ranged it at 204 yards. The plate looked darn small, and having no rest, I didn't have very high...
  2. Freedom

    Winter Shooting

    So how cold is too cold for you fellas to break out the flintlocks? I think I reached my threshold this morning..-37° F! The wind chill said it was -53F LOL Had to feed the livestock with a hand sled this morning. Sure is beautiful in Montana!
  3. Freedom

    Elk Hunting thread?

    After all the time I spent writing my elk hunting story I was quite sad to find it was gone. But I just got news, it's not gone, it is just headed to the cleaners and it will be back. Yeah!
  4. Freedom

    58 Colonial and The Bull Elk

    With first-light beginning to scatter the darkness of night, I can faintly see the buckskin shapes of the magnificent Wapiti moving quietly through the sage. The wind is perfectly in my favor. The lightly falling rain has softened the land, and silenced most of it's sounds. The smell of elk is...
  5. Freedom


  6. Freedom

    Southwest Montana Folks

    Hello everyone, We will be hosting a fall campout and woods-walk with life with life-size animal targets. When...Oct 14th, 15th,16th, 2022. ` Main match will be Saturday, Oct.15th for those only wishing to attend the rifle match. Where....If you live in southwest Montana and would like to...
  7. Freedom

    Silhouette Targets

    I was wondering if anyone had a source for the metal silhouette targets that muzzleloaders shoot at the Friendship matches. Specifically the set that includes the Standing 200-meter Bear
  8. Freedom

    SOLD Early American Jaeger Flintlock

    For your consideration... Dixie Gun Works, Early American Jaeger, made by Pedersoli. 54 Cal Flintlock. $525 split the shipping She wears with honor the scars of so many adventures (and a few actual battles). She has won a few woods-walk matches at rendezvous. Spent many a New Year's Eve deep...
  9. Freedom

    1st Model Dragoon Field Companion

    This spring I purchased a 1st model Uberti Dragoon from a very nice gentleman member here. And I thought some of you folks might enjoy some pictures and stories from my time with the big horse pistol. I have really gotten to know my Dragoon this summer while packing her around the ranch...
  10. Freedom

    Leather Wads

    I just wanted to share some info that was given to me after I provided some vegetable skirting leather to a fellow black powder shooter when he tested my heavy leather wads. I posted in the Howdah thread about how well the skirting leather wads worked in my smoothbore howdah. This info is a good...
  11. Freedom


    Hi, I know that the use of rivets goes clear back to before Christ. My question is: Does anyone know when the "Harness rivet was invented or first used? This is the rivet with the post and washer. Usually made from copper but sometimes brass.... Would these be PC for mountain man/fur trapper...
  12. Freedom

    Lead or Leather to Secure Your Flint?

    Just wanted some opinions on what you guys use in the jaws to hold your flint. I've heard lead trashes your lock by adding too much weight. Ive heard leather is a shock absorber causing poor ignition. Opinions???/Wisdom :hatsoff:
  13. Freedom

    Greetings from Montana!

    Hi everyone, Love the Holly Black. Found your site and it just looked like a great place to be. I feed my family making blackpowder gear. I feed my soul trecking the Rocky Mountains of Montana. Favorite hobbies = Casting with a liquid silver stream of lead. Panning for wild GOLD I look...