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  1. fireman1

    Who is this guy/What movie is he from?

    This popped up on line for me. I cannot place him as a character or what movie. Gods and Generals? Some streaming online show? I do like the shotgun w/sling bar. Thanks!
  2. fireman1

    Value of an original British issue Brown Bess bayonet?

    So I have an original British issue Brown Bess musket bayonet. I believe it is a Sea Service due to the shorter length. At least that is what I was told when I when I bought it. Condition is not great. Looks like it was rusty and then cleaned up. I am wondering what it is worth? Edit>I was...
  3. fireman1

    SOLD WTS Dragoon #2. $250 SOLD

    Dragoon #2 for sale. This one is a Armi San Marco. Also, a third model. Used. Bore is pretty good. Gun is reasonable tight. Overall pretty nice shape. Worst thing is that the wedge screw was replace with a Phillips head screw. Threads in and out just fine. $250 plus a bit to ship...
  4. fireman1

    SOLD WTS Third model Dragoon. Colt Second Generation/SPF

    I have a nice Colt second generation Dragoon for sale. This is a third model Dragoon. This has been shot but is still in fine condition. This has a custom ser. # on it. It has been discussed here and on the Colt forum. Apparently Colt would do that for execs and employees. I bought...
  5. fireman1

    Armi San Marco dragoon.....any good?

    What is the quality on these? Any good or wall hanger? Parts available for repair? Do they take any of the good aftermarket nipples? I might be picking one up. thanks
  6. fireman1

    FOR SALE WTS Signature series Colt Special Musket/TRADE ADDED.

    I have an un-fired Colt 3rd Generation Signature series Special Musket for sale. It is unfired. As new. No box, paperwork or extras. Just the rifle. $1050 plus shipping. I have a couple of electronic pay options or good old USPS MO.
  7. fireman1

    Signature Series Colt Walker with accessories.

    Thought I would post some pics of this one. Fun gun and a fun set.
  8. fireman1

    SOLD My loss, your gain sale!! WTS Leech and Rigdon .36 cal. Revolver.

    I have an un-fired but handled Leech and Rigdon revolver for sale. This was made by Uberti. It is a .36 cal. Confederate copy of the Colt Navy. I bought it here as used not fired and have not fired it. Lots of info at the link below. Leech and Rigdon - Google Search $275 shipped to you...
  9. fireman1

    SOLD My loss/your gain sale. Enfield Musketoon

    Moving a few things to help on bills. Wife was in the hospital this winter and then spent 6 weeks on home care etc. You know that ain't cheap! This is a Enfield Musketoon by Armi San Paola. Made in Italy. I picked this up used/not fired and have not fired it. I shoot my 2 band Enfield...
  10. fireman1

    SOLD NIB Colt Walker by loss your gain!/SOLD

    I have a brand new in the box Walker by Uberti for sale. This is a new gun Cylinder might have been turned but I did not. Never shot. I'm only selling it because I picked up a couple of Colts recently and need to recoup some $$. $420 plus some shipping. $15 unless you are in Hawaii or...
  11. fireman1

    Original Colt 1860 army...Barrel marking Colt New York city?

    My little local gunshop has a Colt 1860 Army that might be for sale on Monday. Gun is mismatched, frame/barrel but the grip matches the frame. It is not obviously US marked. No cartouche on the grips, no US frame...if they even did that back then. There are some small inspection stamps...
  12. fireman1

    WANTED Gen 2 Colts....shooter grade

    Hi, Like the titles says, I am looking for some of the Colt second Generation pistols. I'm looking for used guns. Ones that have been shot and priced accordingly. I'm not looking for new in teh box collector pieces. My top wants are Dragoon 1851 Walker 1860 Please let me know if...
  13. fireman1

    WANTED WTB French Giberne aka French Cartridge box/other Napoleonic war accoutrements

    Looking for a reproduction Napoleonic era French cartridge box. Let me know if you have one to part with. Also looking for other decent reproduction Napoleonic war reproduction gear. Thanks!
  14. fireman1

    WANTED WTB French Napoleonic Infantry Briquet...other French/British Napoleonic swords.

    hi, I'm looking for a French Napoleonic Infantry Briquet I would also be interested in a French Napoleonic cavalry saber by Cold Steel. Also British Napoleonic by Cold Steel. Thanks!
  15. fireman1

    WANTED WTB Charleville musket...Pedersoli or Miroku preferred.

    I'm looking for good used Charleville musket. Pedersoli or Miroku preferred. I would also be interested in an unbuilt kit. Thanks!
  16. fireman1

    I want a flintlock pistol....Sea Service please.

    I am Jonesing for a military style Flintlock pistol. Sea Service would be cool or a Napoleonic era Cavalry pistol. What are my options? I want something that I can shoot. I'm thinking that my options are limited to Loyalist Arms or the classifieds here. Before someone says build my own...
  17. fireman1

    WANTED Anybody got a used cheap AWI Regimental coat.....the good guys one.

    I am looking for a cheap used AWI regimental coat. Maybe one of the Pakistan imports. I wear about a 46L in a suit or coat so around that size. A touch bigger is probably ok? I'm looking for one worn by the good guys...AKA the Colonials. This is something to wear shooting Thanks!
  18. fireman1

    Well it is a muzzle loader.

    I love this! However it might need moving to another forum.
  19. fireman1

    SOLD WTS Uberti 1860 Army

    For sale 1860 Army by Uberti This is a like new gun. I picked it up in trade from a guy. It came to me as un-fired and I have no doubt that it is. No sign that it has been shot and everything else he traded me was just like he described. It has some really nice case color on it. No box or...
  20. fireman1

    SOLD Uberti Walker clone and Colt type Pistol shoulder stock.

    Picked up a couple of things in trade recently that I want to move along. 1. Uberti Colt Walker copy. This came to me as unfired and it looks like it. The box is kinda beat up but the gun is perfect. Box appears to be a few years old. This is a Stoeger import. $400 for the set up...