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  1. ElkStalker

    SOLD Lyman Great Plains Rifle

    Reposting as the comments have been shut off on my original post, probably due to my absence. Rifle is still available. I apologize for my absence. We had some emergencies here at home and I just got overwhelmed with dealing with it all. My apologies. Lyman GPR 50cal is from 1991. I bought it...
  2. ElkStalker

    FOR SALE Lyman Great Plains Rifle 50cal

    Lyman GPR 50cal is from 1991. I bought it used and installed Lyman front bead and Lyman 37ML sight. The original sights will also go with it. I do not think it had been fired much if at all when I got it. The bore is really bright. No pitting. There is some minor pitting on the exterior of the...
  3. ElkStalker

    SOLD TC Hawken 50cal Kit rifle

    I have a TC Hawken rifle that was a kit form. It’s put together well. The top of the barrel has been drilled and tapped for scope mounts. The holes are plugged with screws. The hammer was bent to allow clearance of a scope bell, but can be straightened with some heat. The rifle shoots really...
  4. ElkStalker

    My “slug gun” prefers PRB’s

    I am trying to work through a few things here. Where I am, elk and deer season overlap, so most days when I’m in the field hunting, I need to have a rifle capable for elk size critters, which would be no issue as long as I don’t get it backwards and have a deer rifle in my hand when a bull elk...
  5. ElkStalker

    RB Sprue and accuracy

    I bought some cast balls for my 45cal to shoot this rifle for the first time. I started going through the balls to gauge uniformity and found that very few have what I consider a nice sprue. I know to load them sprue up for best accuracy, but I’m curious if a globbed up sprue, or sprue that...
  6. ElkStalker

    Muzzleloader Mag

    I’m curious what back issues of Muzzleloader magazine would be considered a “must have”. I have not subscribed yet and the back issues that are available got me thinking. I’m mostly interested in hunting and early American history - early settlers, pioneers, fur trade, the wars, etc...
  7. ElkStalker

    Close, but no cigar!

    I went out for an evening hunt tonight. It was about 3:00 when I left my vehicle at the gate. I had about a 1.5 mile walk to where I’ve been seeing a lot of elk and deer sign. Walking down the old logging road which was covered in about 3” of crunchy snow, there were Wolf tracks everywhere. I...
  8. ElkStalker

    Renegade for elk hunting

    I bought a 70’s TC Kit Renegade and built it with the hopes of using conicals for elk. After getting it recrowned, it’s showing promise. Patched round ball will shoot into one ragged hole at 50yrds. Connicals aren’t doing so great. I really wanted to shoot the Hornady GP 385 conicals but they...
  9. ElkStalker

    Pictures of my restored 45cal TC Hawken.

    I took some better photos and added them to my original post of the weathered and worn TC Hawken 45cal that my brother gave to me. Thought I’d put them in a separate post because we all like pictures. I took it to the range yesterday, but by the time I got my Renegade dialed in with the load I...
  10. ElkStalker

    Fair asking price? TC Hawken kit

    I have a nice TC Hawken 50cal. I’m not sure what a fair price would be to ask for it. It was a kit and was put together very nicely. Somebody bent the hammer for use with a scope and drilled and tapped the barrel for scope mounts. There is some minor pitting a few inches from the muzzle...
  11. ElkStalker

    Free TC Hawken 45cal

    My brother sent me a TC Hawken 45cal a few months ago. His father-in-law left it at is place years ago. That in itself is a long story. My brother doesn’t shoot BP. When the rifle got here I looked it over. One side was severely weathered. The wood had shrunk, was extremely rough and the...
  12. ElkStalker

    Can O’ Worms

    What rifle would you buy specifically for elk hunting, that will also be used for deer hunting. I am trying to solve a bit of an issue here. I have 3 50cal percussion rifles and a 45cal. I built my Renegade specifically to shoot heavy connicals for elk, but so far I have not been able to...
  13. ElkStalker

    TC Renegade help

    I built this TC Tenegade 50cal from a kit. The reason I bought it was to shoot conicals for elk hunting. I have not been able to get this thing to group with any conical. I’ve tried Hornady GP 385, TC Maxi-balls, TC Maxi Hunters, Maxi Balls bought from October country, Lee R.E.A.L. Bullet sold...
  14. ElkStalker

    Hornady GP conical with felt over powder wad?

    I have been working up a load for my TC Renegade 50cal for about a year now. I’ve tried just about every available conical, except for No Excuses. I’ve tried FFg and FFFg Goex and Shuetzen from 50-100grains. The best I could get was about 4” at 100yards with 90gr of Goex FFFg using a Lee...