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  1. W

    Filler In Reduced Loads

    I have an 1858 brass frame, what is the consensus on using filler like Cream Of Wheat to fill the chambers? Does it actually improve accuracy? Thanks
  2. W

    Harpers Ferry 1842 Armi Sport Replica

    Appears to be in decent condition. The base price is $850. Reasonable? Thanks
  3. W

    Is My Bird Gun A Deer Gun?

    I tried every wad combination I could think of yesterday trying to pattern my Pedersoli 20 gauge. None of the patterns were satisfactory, so my next step is to use shot cups. Anyway, just for kicks I shot three .610 round balls wadded with just wasp nest. Only 20 yards, but not bad. The...
  4. W

    Upland Bag Contents

    What do you keep in your hunting/shooting bag for upland hunting? Thanks
  5. W

    WANTED Pedersoli 20 Guage Ramrod

    I need a replacement ramrod for my 2021 vintage Pedersoli 20 gauge. Let me know if you have one available. Thanks
  6. W

    Historical Coach Gun Loads

    How were coach guns of the mid 19th century loaded? What types of wads, charges, and ammo was typically used in these guns? Thanks
  7. W

    Smoothy Buffalo Hunter

    Have a line on a Zoli Buffalo Hunter in .58 smoothbore. Price seems reasonable, any experience or thoughts on this gun? Thanks
  8. W

    Baker Shotgun Butt Plate/Pad Replacement

    I left my little Baker Cavalry shotgun in a canvas case stored in a broom closet for about six months. We'll, I took it out yesterday and found that the butt plate was partially rusted and the stock had swelled so it was well proud of the plate. I'm thinking some mop water had seeped through...
  9. W

    Wads Vs Lube Vs Paper Cartridges

    Lubed wads, lube over the ball, or paper cartridges. Is any one method of loading more conducive to accuracy than the others? Thanks
  10. W

    $30 For Remington #10s The New Normal?

    Remington #10 percussion caps are available on GB for about $30 a tin with hazmat and tax. Is this gouging or just the way it is now? Not a cheap hobby anymore. Thanks
  11. W

    Muzzleloader Gunsmith

    I want to find a good reliable gunsmith for general muzzleloader repairs. Thanks
  12. W

    Making A Barrel Fit

    So I ordered this 12 gauge Pedersoli barrel and it doesn't fit my receiver, the dimensions are slightly off. I wonder if it can be made to fit by a gunsmith, or if it's even worth it. Appreciate feedback, thanks.
  13. W

    What Do We Have Here?

    Can you identify the gun on the left?
  14. W

    Why .40 cal?

    It's too small for deer and too big for the smaller stuff. What is the appeal of the .40 bore? Thanks
  15. W

    A Case For My Baker

    I need a short padded case for my little Pedersoli Baker shotgun. 30-35" long with pockets for accessories. Anyone know where I can find such a thing? Thanks
  16. W

    WANTED 32 Gauge Wads

    I know it's a long shot, but I'm looking for a handful of 32 gauge plastic wads to try in a .54 smooth bore. Thanks
  17. W

    Pedersoli Back Action Coach Gun

    I'd appreciate any first hand information. Thanks
  18. W

    Old And New Pedersolis Interchangeable?

    Will an older Pedersoli 12 gauge shotgun barrel from 1980 fit onto the receiver of a current model? Or visa versa, for that matter? Thanks.
  19. W

    Relining A Big Bore Shotgun

    So I have the Zoli 10 gauge (.765). It apparently has some pitting in the bore and I'm thinking of having it relined to 12 or 20 gauge. I like that big bore, but it's kind of an odd duck in my collection. Having the bore size consistent with my other guns would make life a little easier...
  20. W

    Tow Alternatives

    I can't find actual tow in my area, so I thought I'd try other materials for loading and cleaning my smoothbores. I bought some dried moss from Walmarts craft section. Seemed to work OK, though it did come apart pretty easily. Any recommendations on what else I might try? Thanks