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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. Thingamajiggy

    Repair or replace

    First day out with gun and dropped it out of a treestand. Wrist broke (see pic), I think I can repair it as far as ability but not sure it i should or just order a new stock. Wood grain (split with grain) has me a little worried with repair, thoughts?
  2. Thingamajiggy

    Soft lead 'air gun' ammo in a muzzleloader?

    Have just purchased a flintlock investarms .58cal 'trade' rifle in 1:48 and was online looking for ammo. I have round balls for it since I already have a .58 lehigh that is exclusive PRB but I was looking at shooting a conical in it. In my search, I found what look like copies of Lee REAL...
  3. Thingamajiggy

    Newbie from NE PA

    Have owned flintlocks and hunted PA flintlock season for a long time, recently gotten into the more custom guns/gun making (for me only). New to all the online stuff now availble. Hope to learn alot and maybe help some too.