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  1. jrweis1997

    certainly not new but new to me

    Got this 1842 this week! after shipping and everything cost me about 700 bucks I was gonnna buy an indian reproduction but happy to have this one instead! 1844 barrel 1845 lock. what does this mark under the stock mean I am not familiar with that one.
  2. jrweis1997

    FOR SALE Very large old SxS 12 gauge Birmingham proofs 300 OBO

    I have a horrible habit of buying projects, becoming uninterested, and moving on so here is another one. A very large 12 gauge I have included a 1861 springfield for scale so you can see the size. The good: The locks work fine and so do the triggers no cracks in stocks or bulges in barrels...
  3. jrweis1997

    1816 "Reconversions"

    Howdy everybody. I have been looking online at smoothbore flintlocks and I think for me a 1816 would fit the bill well. I mostly just want a shooter and it seems like they made a ton of these and theyre pretty available. I have seen people online say to avoid the Reconversion guns, is there any...
  4. jrweis1997

    Do you shoot full charges through originals?

    I have recently gotten my first real deal! An 1842 model made in 1845 I am looking forward to taking it out and shooting it. I am wondering if you guys that have these shoot reduced loads or give them the whole military charge. Going over the gun everything seems to be in order and it was...
  5. jrweis1997

    Repairing a old Side by Side

    Recently picked up this old SxS locks are good one of the hammers is broken thats not the end of the world to fix looks to me like the solder is probably no good has anyone ever redone this is there anything I should look out for?
  6. jrweis1997

    CLOSED interested in buying an 1842

    I would like to get an 1842 replica or original smoothbore to shoot
  7. jrweis1997

    Paper patch roundball in a civil war musket?

    I have an 1861 springfield that I really enjoy shooting but it does get kind of boring shooting alone after a while id say. There are a bunch of shoots by me in western PA that I would like to shoot at that are roundball only which puts me in a bit of a bind with my 1861. Has anyone ever fired...
  8. jrweis1997

    SOLD SxS 12 gauge wall hanger/project

    Picked up this 12 gauge thinking I was going to whip it into shape and use as a bird gun but realized that its a little beyond the work I wanna do. I paid 200 for it would like to just get that out of it. Crack in the wrist of the stock and a broken nipple. as far as I can tell the barrels are...
  9. jrweis1997

    Stock inletting questions for a bozo who's never done it

    The last two months have been a masterclass education in if you want something done right do it yourself. I got a replacement davis lock for my Navy Arms 1803 Harpers Ferry and its been nothing but a headache from the start. Hired a gunsmith to drill and tap plus fit the lock took him 8+ weeks...
  10. jrweis1997

    NMLRA national shoot

    I live about 5 or so hours away from this event, just realized the other day I have about 3 weeks worth of PTO banked so I figure why not go camp out and shoot at this event. Do any of you guys go to this one any tips and tricks things I should bring or leave at home?
  11. jrweis1997

    FOR SALE 40 sized and lubed Burton style Minie Balls .58 caliber

    40 Cast Minie balls sized to .575 and lubed, $35 shipped lower 48
  12. jrweis1997

    FOR SALE 20 Burton Ball Paper Cartridges .58 caliber

    Loaded with a Burton style Minie Ball sized to .575 and lubed with beeswax and fat homemade mix. Just add powder, fold, and head to the range! $30 shipped
  13. jrweis1997

    Whats some things you wish you knew about/had early on when you started shooting these?

    I have gathered there is a lot of experience on this website, whole lot of guys who have been doing this a lot longer than me. I got the basics down id say maintenance/casting that sort of thing but you can always learn something new, would love to hear your guys opinions and thoughts.
  14. jrweis1997

    whats your favorite part of muzzleloading, what keeps you hooked?

    Shooting is the free space id say, but beyond that I really love casting my own bullets and making everything I use from scratch. I think its the self reliant part of it that's really satisfying. What about you guys?
  15. jrweis1997

    Whats your favorite muzzleloader you own?

    I got a navy arms 1803 Harpers Ferry Rifle at an estate sale a few months ago that is quickly becoming my favorite to shoot, not only that it is also very easy to clean! Would love to see some pictures/hear about what you guys have and enjoy shooting regularly.
  16. jrweis1997

    What's your go to lube recipe?

    I tried making some a while back I am not impressed with, was able to trade for a few very large globs of beeswax and would like to make some more. What do you use for yours? Do you have a summer and a winter mix? Thanks guys
  17. jrweis1997

    I am probably a bonehead I just need help knowing how

    I am still new to the world of muzzleloaders so please forgive me if this is a goofy very simple answer. I have an Italian 1861 Springfield that after purchasing I could not hit the broad side of a barn with, after doing some research on here/elsewhere I heard about Progressive depth rifling...
  18. jrweis1997

    CLOSED Sea Service Pistol

    Got it from another member on here an Indian Sea Service Pistol I got this a while back as a project and took it apart, cleaned it up, drilled the touch hole, finished the stock. Then I realized I am just not really that into it I've never shot it so I'm gonna sell it and get something else...
  19. jrweis1997

    Anybody shoot here in Western PA/Ohio/WV?

    I like to shoot primarily civil war era stuff, have tried to get my buddies into it but does not seem to take and im getting kinda tired of just blasting paper at the state range here and there. any events/competitions or people in my area that enjoy shooting these sorts of things?
  20. jrweis1997

    CLOSED Indian Brown Bess

    Look its not perfect so I don't want perfect in return, I got this and a pistol a while ago as a winter project package deal and honestly beyond putting this one together/ fixing it up I really don't have any interest in it I've learned, I have extra flints and a bag of .69 caliber balls I will...