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  1. Dave Markowitz

    Target Rifle by J.H. Rector of Syracuse, NY

    I picked this up via trade yesterday at Dixon's. The asking price was $850. From what I've been able to determine, J.H. Rector was active in Syracuse 1845 - 1855, and later moved to Buffalo, NY with a partner. My SWAG is that it was built sometime around 1850. The .40 caliber barrel is 29.5"...
  2. Dave Markowitz

    Repro Hawksley Flask

    I just received this copper Hawksley flask replica today from Veteran Arms. Shown with my Zouave or Peace flask for scale on the left. Closeup of the adjustable valve. It's marked in drams. One dram = 27.348 grains. I will leave it at the smallest setting of 2-1/2 drams and dispense into a...
  3. Dave Markowitz

    Natchez Shooters Supply has Remington No.10 Caps

    As of 0815 Eastern on 9/11/24, Natchez has Remington No.10s at $9.99 per tin of 100. HAZMAT is $22.99. Regular S&H depends on your location. Remington Percussion Caps #10 - 100/ct ( Just passing this along, no affiliation, etc., etc.
  4. Dave Markowitz

    Ruggle Patent Underhammer by Rod Olsen

    Last week I was perusing Track of the Wolf's website and saw that they had three Ruggle's Patent underhammer pistols built by Rod Olsen of Nebraska. All were .38 caliber, one with a 4" barrel, one a 5" barrel, and the last a 7" barrel. I ordered the 7" pistol and got it yesterday. Here it is...
  5. Dave Markowitz

    A Priming Horn by Spark Mumma

    I picked up this priming horn made by Spark Mumma today at the Gunmakers Fair in Kempton, PA. AFAIK, he doesn't have an online presence. He charged $80 for it which I consider quite reasonable, considering the amount of time and effort he must have put into it.
  6. Dave Markowitz

    Hershel House Passed Tonight

    I'm a member of the "Hershel House Longrifles and Such" group on Facebook. A group admin posted that Hershel House went home at 6:32PM. We are diminished.
  7. Dave Markowitz

    A Lefty Caywood / Roby Northwest Gun

    My new-to-me lefty Caywood Northwest Trade Gun. I bought it from AZ muzzleloaders via Gunbroker. Mike Roby of AZ got the stock in trade and then installed a new barrel and lock that he bought from Caywood Guns. Mike also installed a Chambers White Lightnin' vent liner. It's 20 gauge, smoothbore...
  8. Dave Markowitz

    An E.K. Tryon Bowie Knife

    I found this last weekend on eBay and got it in the mail yesterday. It's an English-made Bowie imported by E.K. Tryon of Philadelphia in the late 19th C. / early 20th C. A very similar knife is listed as the No. 501 Hunting Knife in the scan of an 1883 Tryon catalog I have. This is the same firm...
  9. Dave Markowitz

    Looking for a T/C Seneca Manual

    I just peer pressured a close friend into buying a caplock .45 caliber T/C Seneca from Track of the Wolf. :) He'll be using the rifle for woods walks and deer hunting in the PA early season instead of his Euroarms Kentuckian .45 flintlock. (He's taken 2 or 3 deer cleanly with the Euroarms so...
  10. Dave Markowitz

    Traded Into a Zouave Today

    Today I took another trip up to Dixon's and wound up trading my Pedersoli Brown Bess carbine for a Euroarms Remington 1863 Contract Rifle, AKA Zouave. Although about 12,000 of these were made by Remington during the Civil War, it's unlikely that any of them saw service. They are called Zouaves...
  11. Dave Markowitz

    Half Stock California Rifle from TOTW

    I've been wanting a sidelock percussion rifle with open sights for shooting in the local woods walks and also for hunting. I'd been considering a Pedersoli Tryon but the other day I saw this on Track's website, and pulled the trigger (heh) today. I like the architecture and the dark wood. A...
  12. Dave Markowitz

    A C. Gibson Flintlock .36 Caliber Rifle

    Today I picked up this left handed flintlock rifle at Dixon's. Greg Dixon wasn't sure who built it but after getting it home I found it marked "C. Gibson '08" in the stock behind the patchbox. It's not signed on the barrel. Some googling has not revealed any contemporary makers by that name...
  13. Dave Markowitz

    Hornet's Nest For Wadding

    Looks like I need to try hornet's nest for wadding. I took these three out of a magnolia in my front yard this morning. For scale, those are 14 gallon Rubbermaid totes and I'm wearing size 10 sneakers. I have them in the back yard sealed in the bins with a couple bricks on top, just in case...
  14. Dave Markowitz

    Successful Pennsylvania Whitetail Hunt

    Pennsylvania's early muzzleloader antlerless deer season was last week. PA was one of the first states to have a muzzleloader-only season but for decades this started the day after Christmas and was flintlock-only. That season is still available and is for antlered or antlerless deer, but the...
  15. Dave Markowitz

    Converting a Black & Decker Workmate to a Portable Loading Table

    After a recent experience with having a gun fall over and get damaged, I made up a couple inserts that allow you to turn a Black & Decker Workmate or cheap Harbor Freight copy into a portable loading and cleaning table. I used scrap wood, drill, saw, and some drywall screws. In my HF knock off...
  16. Dave Markowitz

    Made a short starter and leather capper today

    I was feeling crafty so I made these today. The antler is from a buck I shot last year. The other parts are a length of 3/8" poplar dowel, a short length of 3/8" brass rod, and a .38 Special case with the end turned down. All parts are glued and pinned together with brass pins I cut from brass...
  17. Dave Markowitz

    Questions about the fly (in a lock, not your pants)

    As I understand, the fly in a lock is there to prevent the sear from getting caught on the half cock notch when firing a gun fitted with a set trigger. Does this also apply if the gun is fitted with only a single trigger? I.e., is the fly necessary on such a gun? I have a gun fitted with a...
  18. Dave Markowitz

    Using tow for wads?

    I have a bag of hemp tow that I bought from Turkey Foot Trading that I'd like to try using as wads in my smoothbores. I have a Euroarms Magnum Cape Gun 12 gauge, a Middlesex Village Fusil de Chasse 20 gauge, and a Jackie Brown percussion canoe gun also 20 gauge. I understand that each gun will...
  19. Dave Markowitz

    Picked up a Jackie Brown Canoe Gun Today

    Today I took a drive to Dixon's Muzzleloading Shop and saw this canoe gun (I know it's not an historical term) on the shelf. I've been looking for a 20 gauge percussion smoothbore and the fact that it's a lefty is icing on the cake. Some measurements I took: Overall length 40" Barrel: 24.5"...
  20. Dave Markowitz

    Replaced the Hand in my Rogers and Spencer

    The last time I took my Euroarms of America Rogers and Spencer revolver shooting, I managed to chip the tip off the hand, rendering the gun useless. Since EOA has been out of business for several years sourcing a replacement could be challenging. The only website I found that even listed a...