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  1. 54ball

    I just got back from the Alabama Kentucky Longrifle Show

    I got some wood for my Feather Gun project. I enlarged a photo by hand a few years back and made a paper pattern. The comb still needs a little tweaking on my pattern but it was enough for me to get a piece of wood. I did not really think about it but stocks for a 48” barrel are little...
  2. 54ball

    Bazinga!!!!!! Cracked.... What to do?

    I knew I had a crack at the toe to the cheek side. I did not know I had another that runs nearly to the wrist. Yikes!!!!! I don’t know if this can be fixed and how? 46” swamped barrel hand inlet Ketland lock inlet It was coming along well I was planning to carve beaver tails, moulding, chip...
  3. 54ball

    Too fat

    Hmmmmm Too fat!!!!!! When an Early Ketland looks like a Small Siler, you know your stock is too fat. Better now..... Sometimes they get fat, I guess that’s from oversized layout. It all adds up. So when they get fat. Make them ....not fat.
  4. 54ball

    Just a simple old rifle.....Plenty of inspiration

    I became enamored with this simple old rifle. I had to share. It’s a late Southern rifle if I was going to guess 1840 ish “unknown maker”. Some may call it a poor boy but I disagree. It’s nicer than that. It’s got great architecture It’s got a great cheek piece with three incised lines (dummy...
  5. 54ball

    My rifle project has just earned a name....

    I’m not big on naming rifles and cars and such. On occasion things do get named. Throughout history many rifles both real and imagined and have been named. Sweetlips from Kings Mountain Boone’s Ticklicker Cricket’s Old Betsy Hawkeye’s Killdeer Introducing.... Fumbelina.... I have been...
  6. 54ball

    Building concept.....Waiting for the turn

    A few years back a fellow got rather upset when he sent a rifle to sell to Track of the Wolf. The appraiser stated... This rifle reeks of impatience. The builder did not wait for the turn. Probably the greatest mistake a new builder can make is impatience thus not waiting on the turn...
  7. 54ball

    I have this crazy idea.

    I think I'll build a gun that's pretty much like an English fowling piece. Instead of the round smooth bored barrel, I'm going to use a spiral grooved German square sided barrel, 44 inches long, with a bore of 36 balls to the pound. I wonder if it will work.🤔 IMG_0455 by Travis Brown, on...
  8. 54ball

    Starting a Gun from Blank (how I do it)...Caution it's Long Story

    A lot of the nitty gritty for this is covered by the building books. It starts with a gun you would like to build. I personally do a great deal of research. You want to make sure it's a gun that you are excited about and want to spend a great deal of time on. Once you have the idea of the...
  9. 54ball

    Custom Grip source for dragoons???

    I have a 3rd model Dragoon coming. I really like the looks of them with bone, ivory, stag or even black. Pearl is for New Orleans' pimps. The 1-2-3 Dragoons have bigger grips than the common '51 Navy-SAA and the '60 Armys. Any leads would be appreciated.
  10. 54ball

    Pietta Old Silver

    My Dance and Brothers from Pietta is in the Old Silver Finish. I have tried to research just what the finish is and have had no luck so here is my conclusion. It's not stainless. It's not nickel. All it seems to be is polished steel with a light clear coat. Basically it looks like these are...
  11. 54ball

    Uberti vs Pietta, Not the same old, same old.....This could be news.

    Keep in mind, This comes from a Pietta/Traditions dealer. I purchased a Traditions/Pietta Dance Brothers from a local shop. I had wanted a Dance Brothers for awhile and he had some in stock. It's the first Cap and ball revolver I have purchased in nearly 30 years. Anyway I stayed for quite...
  12. 54ball

    Planning a Rifle :)

    My building comes and spurts due to some physical limitations. Likely this will be my last rifle or my best one. I want to go ahead and plan it and get the components. It is an unusual rifle. My mentor told me ..."You like those off the wall unusual or ugly guns." so here is the original...
  13. 54ball

    Percussion revolvers.....Instinctive shooting

    I have been thinking about this recently. Wild Bill Hickcock with his two Colt Navies would shoot and reload daily. I did this for a while, not long maybe a week, not every single day. I was surprised how well my skill with that pistol improved. We have all seen the scene where Josey Wales...
  14. 54ball

    Do you think this will work?.... vent

    I'm thinking out loud here.... On a drilled vent for a flintlock.,.. Take 16 th pin stock and insert into the vent. Unbreeched grab the pin stock with some needle nose pliers and feed....pull the wire out the breech. Heat or cold forge a paddle on the end of the wire. Stone edges on each...
  15. 54ball

    Losing stuff, does this happen to you?

    Fitting a breech plug this morning, taking a forced break. My freaking file is gone. Poof be gone. Thing is I did not go 3 feet from the vise, not 3 feet! That joker is gone. I just spent 30 minutes looking for it. I could get another file but I want use that file. I spend most my time...
  16. 54ball

    For Further Reading Series the South and West 1781-1836

    Due to recent mainstream productions I feel the need to present a series here for those interested in further reading. I feel that there has been some activist history presented where half truths and dramatization have been used to present an agenda as fact rather than a balanced accurate...
  17. 54ball

    Out of bore.....Brown Flaky stuff

    Yep. Strange reddish brown flaky stuff coming from a rifle bore while shooting. At first I thought it might have been the remains of a bug wing because it appeared opaque....nearly clear looking. Last session some of this stuff was at the muzzle after the first shot only....reddish brown gritty...
  18. 54ball

    Crooked Dickert

    It always helps to see originals. Last October I was privileged to handle a signed "Dickert" at a show. Handling originals helps. There were many there and I got to study and feel them. A few like the Dickert I got to handle. My phone was dead so I did not get a photo of this rifle. First...
  19. 54ball

    wierd iginition problem

    I have to figure this out. This is a rifle I built.....1810 Gillespie with a Davis common lock...1/16 drilled vent on a 44 inch swamped barrel. I'm a reenactor and this rifle has seen a lot of blank fire in living history demos. It functions very well with rammed paper cartridges. I grade...
  20. 54ball

    Building Track's Colonial Longrifle

    Yep.... The lowest of Tracks kit line is on it's way. Colonial Longrifle Right now the parts are in transit. Soon the big white will be here. :grin: This may be one of Tracks better sets, Espeically for the new builder. I was wanting a good quality set that hopefully will go together...