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  1. T

    Hunting Rifle w/ Super Tight Bore - Help!

    I have a .54 Renegade, and I can start 430 Gr. Maxiballs using my thumb. After 3-5 shots, I have to start using my homemade starter, or start cleaning.
  2. T

    Non-Toxic RB ?

    No lead whatsoever, I'm afraid. I thought maybe sizing down a bismuth 00 buckshot might work, if I can find some... There's no science behind the law, just opinion and inuendo.There was 1 dead bird, and it had a very small amount of lead in the tissue, so, Ergo, must have been those nasty...
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    Howdy from California

    Thanks Guys !! I feel right at home here :grin:
  4. T

    Non-Toxic RB ?

    Howdy all, Due to recently enacted "Laws" forbidding lead bullets in Condor(big buzzard) territory, I'm trying to find a non toxic round ball/bullet in .32 cal. Do any of you have experience with Bismuth/antimony Buckshot ? I'm wondering if 00 buck could be crammed into a .32 ? Thanks in advance...
  5. T

    Howdy from California

    Howdy, all, I've been lurking for a few days, reading on the Forums. I think this is one of the better ones I've seen, lots of activity and very little animosity :v I started black powder back in the early 70's, and have 2 renegades, .50 & .54, a couple of cap and ball pistols and I'm waiting...