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  1. C


    I'm sure this topic has been discussed previously, so forgive me for the repetition...I'm relatively new to the site. I'd like to hear about BP loads and suggestions for waterfowling. I have a .62cal/20 gauge smoothbore with a 44" Colerain cylinder barrel. Ballistic Products provides loose...
  2. C

    Candy cane

    Thanks much for all of the helpful tips. What a great resource. As Birddog mentioned, I'm not sure that a candy cane ramrod even fits my style, but I sure wanted to know the correct way to do it. I'll give it another go this weekend!
  3. C

    Candy cane

    How does one candy cane a ramrod? It seems tape in a spiral line down the ramrod and use a dark stain. However, everytime I try this, the stain is simply absorbed by the wood underneath the tape wrappings leaving a blurry, ugly mess. I'm clearly missing an easy solution to this...