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  1. Des52

    Bored out pedersoli?

    Pedersoli still offers the Frontier in .54 on the web sight. I was going to get one in .54 but went with a .36 instead. Had three .54s and one .36 so got another .36 in flint. Great rifle, very accurate won't ever sell mine
  2. Des52

    .36 small game rifle

    I have a Pedersoli Frontier in .36 flint and highly recommend it. It was my first flintlock and sold me on them, I now have six flintlocks and that is all I would buy now,
  3. Des52

    Information on muzzleloader

    I have one just like it. The early Renegades didn't have Renegade on them. Mine likes 70 grs of 2F, a .530 ball with a .18 patch with mink oil lube. It shoots Maxi balls with 110 grs of 2F and I am using up what is left of my bore butter to lube them. I also like to put a felt wad over the...
  4. Des52

    Loading TPA Pellet 1:28

    I have a Traditions .50 that has a tight bore and it likes .480 balls and a .10 patch with mink oil.
  5. Des52

    Ardesa Spain .50 caliber flintlock touch hole liner size

    Warm water, patches until clean and dry, a patch with alcohol, then I blow dry with my air compresser. Then oil patch with Barricade. Same for the lock.
  6. Des52

    .36 small game rifle

    My Tradition Frontier has a .50 and a .36 barrel and the difference in weight is 1.4 lbs. I've never felt the difference when carrying it.
  7. Des52

    .36 small game rifle

    Yes, been using the Tradition for 40 years or so was my go to squirrel and varmint shooter. Bought the Pedersoli flint and it became my squirrel gun 15 years or so ago. The Tradition shoots maxis better and I like what it does to woodchucks and bigger game. The Pedersoli has a tighter bore and...
  8. Des52

    Testing the Accuracy of .480's verses .490's in a 50 caliber flintlock...

    I have one .50 that shoots .480s and one that shoots .490s. My Tradition Frontier has a tight bore and likes .480s and my CVA plainsman likes .490s. The Tradition likes 60grs of 3F and the CVA likes 70grs of 3F.
  9. Des52

    .36 small game rifle

    I have two .36s a flint Frontier and a Tradition percussion and have no complaints about either. The Pedersoli Frontier likes 25grs of 3F, a .345 prb with mink oil. The Tradition likes 30grs of 3F, a .350 prb with TOTW mink oil.
  10. Des52

    New gal with revived interest in old hobby

    Howdy from Wisconsin. Be nice to have more Ladies here.
  11. Des52

    Old PA hunting-no more

    When I lived in town I had a 8 point buck and his does clean my bird feeders every morning, and the guy acrost the street had the flower pots in front of his house ate up. seen more deer in town than I have out in the country where I live now. Always wanted to take one of my bows and shoot one...
  12. Des52

    1st range day with Lyman GP, 54

    First get rid of the pre-lubed patches and get some tight weave cotton patches. You can't tell how long they sat on a self in a store or warehouse. Get a good lube and lube the patches as you use them. Take your trigger group out and clean and lube it and see if that helps. Look for rough spots...
  13. Des52

    First time ML hunter

    Welcome, I have been shooting my .54 Renegade for so long I can't tell you how many deer I downed with it. Mine likes 70 grs 2F with a .530 rb and 110 grs 2F with a maxi. Good luck on your hunt.
  14. Des52

    Hello from Wisco

    Welcome from south central Wisconsin.
  15. Des52

    Was Dutch right about wiping between shots?

    I never swab or clean till I am done shooting. If you use a good lube and patch it is not necessary. I have shot over 50 rounds in a row with out cleaning at shoots. Dutch's system needs cleaning because of the dry patches he used. Very accurate for target shooting but highly impractical for...
  16. Des52

    Shot My Flintlock for the First Time Today!

    If you are shooting in cold weather ditch the wonder lube and get some mink oil from TOTW and some of the cotton dry patches. I use my .36 flintlock for winter squirrel and rabbit hunting and never have trouble loading with this combo.
  17. Des52

    Best product to clean neglected Thompson Center Hawken 50 Cal

    I just got a CVA plainsman in a trade with a trashed bore, and a few hundred strokes with some polishing compound on a under size jag with a small square of green scratch pad. The bore still looks like crap but it shoots good. I really was thinking about boring it smooth and still mite but it is...
  18. Des52

    The Other Stuff

    What Clark said, you should be fine with the .575s with the right patch. I shoot .715s and 735s in my Bess carbine and the .735s shoot a little better than the .715s, but not enough to make a difference when hunting. A patched ball should be just snug enough to load easily. I use a thicker patch...
  19. Des52

    replacement for TC bore butter

    I use TOTW mink oil for everything but lubing maxis. I have a tube of bore butter that I only use for lubing maxis, it's all I found it good for. TOTW mink oil works in hot or cold weather better than anything else I have found. I have left guns loaded for months at a time with no problems shooting.