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  1. S

    Anyone ever hunt with a handgonne?

    Shot a blacktail spike with a ROA at about 50 yards once and a doe at 15 yards with a navy .36. Both one shot kills but I had a rifle with me so if needed I could fix my screw up. Was not "hunting " with a handgun just that the opportunity came up with perfect conditions.
  2. S

    Colt ships arms to the Confederates.

    Some nations have a well-known record of copying products without the permission of the designer, Russia and China are probably the most prolific but by no means are they the only ones. Russia kept a b29 that made an emergency landing and copied it. So much for allies.
  3. S

    I have to rethink the spare cylinder idea

    Several years ago there was a hostage situation in my town and it ended when the police rushed the house and fired iirc 17 rounds hitting the villain with a single round but did manage to hit the 7 year old boy 5 times. Speaks well for the top of the line training program........ NOT.
  4. S

    I have to rethink the spare cylinder idea

    I blame a big part of the lack of successful hits on the modern spray and pray practice. I mean most people figure if they have 15 shots that they don't have to use as much care as they would if they only had 5 shots available, then knew that it would be a minute or more before they were reloaded.
  5. S

    I have to rethink the spare cylinder idea

    When the bullets start flying your way it sure distracts your aim.
  6. S

    I have to rethink the spare cylinder idea

    At the average gun fighting range of 5 - 15' a difference of a couple of inches is probably not a huge factor.
  7. S

    Trade gun for grizzlies

    Whether a grizzly eats you or not may be beside the point after one has you as a chew toy for a while.
  8. S

    Maximum loads for 1858 Remington

    In my experience that also applies for pyrodex p, ruger old army have been loaded to the chamber mouth then compressed and refilled twice more then seat a ball and lubed. Don't know just how much powder that was felt recoil seemed like a .44 special.
  9. S

    Trade gun for grizzlies

    Probably be a much more pleasant way of departure to shoot myself than to be alive and aware as a grizzly starts to chew me up.
  10. S

    Making an English Turn-off Pistol for Fort Dobbs

    My envy of your talents knows no boundaries, you should be proud of your skills.
  11. S

    3F powder vs. 2F in .54cal flintlock rifle

    I went to fffg in my .58 because it is easier to ignite especially in cold wet weather, plus it's a bit cleaner burning and gives more velocity for the same charge.
  12. S

    Why did odd stocks die out?

    Beaver fur hats died in favor of silk tophats, progress or change few things remain forever.
  13. S

    Roundballs verses Conicals..??

    Tried them in a 1 in72" twist 58 caliber and after 10 shots you would have thought it was a nice pattern with very large buckshot, only 9 holes on a 36" paper target. Safest place was the 10"s in the center. They work well with a faster twist and do penatrate pretty decent on game, I just...
  14. S

    Acetone/AutoTrans Fluid - Tested to be THE BEST thread penetrating solution going!

    Spill it on a fender and it makes a fine paint stripper. Please do not ask how I know.
  15. S

    Who among us are PIPE smokers?

    I quit after I finally decided that most of what I was doing was keeping my hands busy and chewing on the stem.
  16. S

    Getting the patent breech clean

    You could take a breech scraper and grind it a little at a time to custom fit.
  17. S

    Unplugging patent breech? Loaded rifle…

    My wife keeps me well informed as to my bad habits.
  18. S

    .36 Colt Navy that powerful??????

    If I'm going to throw rocks I prefer big rocks, life begins at 45 caliber. 😝
  19. S

    .36 Colt Navy that powerful??????

    There was a guy in the 70's that defended himself with a 1851 navy and the local prosecutor through the charges out because he was using a gun that was considered not a firearm at the time. Somehow I just don't think that ruling would happen now days.
  20. S

    Scrimshaw moose antler

    My envy of guys with that kind of talent knows no limits, I tried to carve a knife handle once and got down to the tang before I wised up and quit. Just one of many talents that I don't have.