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  1. L

    Single shot pistols with guard spur

    Spured trigger guards became very common after 1800 when target shooting became a popular sport. My thought is perhaps use of the spur helped control muzzle flip.
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    Jaeger Rifle Books

    Jaeger Rifles by George Shumway. Out of print but can be found used at amazon or ebay.
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    Traditions Trapper NMLRA matches

    Nope. Even with the adjusting screw removed it's still an adjustable sight.
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    Traditions Trapper NMLRA matches

    If you are looking at the rules and regulations on the NMLRA web site, they are outdated. The rule for sights have been amended to the requirement the fixed rear sight can be a maximum 5/16" high and 1/2" wide. The front sight can be a maximum .100" wide.
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    Traditions Trapper NMLRA matches

    You would also have to remove the "hump" at the top of the grip. Traditional pistols must have a "plowhandle" grip.
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    Stonewall Creek Outfitters.
  7. L

    Flash Hole Diameter In Slixshot Nipples

    Looks like .037 inches.
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    brand new 1851 navy snubnose wedge causing cylinder jam

    If the arbor is the correct length it is impossible to lock the cylinder no matter how tight the wedge is driven. I'd bet the family farm your arbor is too short.
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    Barrels that are not 12L14 steel

    Green Mountain uses 1137 steel for their barrels.
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    How many shots in a row without picking or wiping pan ?

    I don't ever wipe my pan or frizzen and I don't have a pick. A typical shoot at my club is 7-8 5-shot relays. I wipe the bore between relays. If my rifle doesn't go BANG it's because I forgot the powder.
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    Barrel help

    I suggest you look at patterning a rifle after guns by H. E. Dimick. Your barrel would fit right in. As far as locks, Dimick seems to have used anything he could get his hands on. Google "Dimick rifle images".
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    How to Checker a Hammer Spur?

    My method differs only in the layout method. I coat the hammer spur with a felt marker and then find a screw with the desired tpi. I use the screw to mark the "peak" of the spur then use a jewelers saw to saw lines using the screw thread marks to space the sawn lines. The sawn lines are only...
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    Butt Joint Gap Or is it called Barrel lug/ frame Gap?

    There are two points of contact that determine cylinder gap--the point that the barrel assembly contacts the frame below the cylinder and the end of the cylinder arbor where it should contact the bottom of the hole in the barrel assembly. The contact point on the frame acts as a pivot so any...
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    Cap Priming Compound

    H-48 Primer compound formula by weight: Potassium chlorate 51% Antimony sulfide 27.3% Sulfur 9.1% Glass powder 12.1% Sodium bicarbonate trace (optional) Aluminum powder trace (optional) Or go to ebay, search "priming compound". It'll be at the top of the page.
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    Cap Priming Compound

    I just bought some off ebay. Comes in pre-measured packets of chemicals you just mix together to make 1 ounce of compound which will make thousands of primers.
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    Competitive shooters, a moment of your time please.

    You might try stoning the full-cock notch and sear nose. I haven't seen a new pistol yet that they weren't rougher than a cob causing inconsistent pressure to be applied for release. Use a hard Arkansas stone and don't change any angles. You can use a revolver at Friendship to shoot...
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    Percussion lock design

    In the evolution of the sidelock, the addition of the bridle and the stirrup were "up-grades". Without a bridle the force of the mainspring is on one side of the bearing (lockplate). This causes the tumbler to want to tip to one side causing pressure on the inside-lower and outside-upper...
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    Loading cap & ball revolvers

    NEVER, NEVER, NEVER load any muzzleloader directly from a flask or horn
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    How to work with staining Damascus?

    An excellent in-depth treatise on this subject can be found in The Double Gun Journal, Vol.8 nos. 2 and 3. Short version, decide if you want a brown or black color. If brown, coat the barrel (after degreasing) with a slow rust product ( ie LMF) allow to rust then card ALL the rust off then...