With me, it depends on when I'm eating them. If for breakfast : milk, butter, sugar. If having them with dinner: Cheese, salt & pepper, especially shrimp & grits.
From the time I was a kid on up until she passed away, my mother always made sure to bake me a mincemeat pie. I always ate it and told her how delicious it was. What she never knew was I HATE mincemeat pie. But, she put a lot of love into those pies, no way I would ever tell her I didn't like...
Not to disagree but, i've used Zippo's and only Zippo's for almost 40 years, and I've found that although they haven't gone fully "woke" they have and are becoming more liberal/woke everyday. They are a contributer to BLM and many other progressive organizations. You can research it. I agree...