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  1. RATROD56

    How do you eat them

    With me, it depends on when I'm eating them. If for breakfast : milk, butter, sugar. If having them with dinner: Cheese, salt & pepper, especially shrimp & grits.
  2. RATROD56

    Another Balistol question

    Ballistol does stink, that's for sure 🤭
  3. RATROD56

    Who names their rifle?

    I call my Hawken "Matilda"
  4. RATROD56

    Thanksgiving Traditions That People Don't Understand

    That's the only way to eat apple pie!
  5. RATROD56

    Thanksgiving Traditions That People Don't Understand

    From the time I was a kid on up until she passed away, my mother always made sure to bake me a mincemeat pie. I always ate it and told her how delicious it was. What she never knew was I HATE mincemeat pie. But, she put a lot of love into those pies, no way I would ever tell her I didn't like...
  6. RATROD56

    Hello from Istanbul

    "Welcome from Oklahoma, United States "
  7. RATROD56

    How do you eat them

    I like shrimp & cheese grits for dinner and grits with milk, butter & sugar with breakfast
  8. RATROD56

    Zippo lighters and media images.

    Not to disagree but, i've used Zippo's and only Zippo's for almost 40 years, and I've found that although they haven't gone fully "woke" they have and are becoming more liberal/woke everyday. They are a contributer to BLM and many other progressive organizations. You can research it. I agree...
  9. RATROD56

    Where do you draw the line?

    No here too
  10. RATROD56

    Brown Bess Saved My Life

  11. RATROD56

    Your best deal acquiring a muzzleloader, either trade or purchase

    Picked up a 50cal Hawken Woodsman for $110 at a pawn shop, they thought it was just a decoration.
  12. RATROD56

    Ballistol is top notch... not!

    That's the main problem I have with it, that smell is terrible.
  13. RATROD56

    Cva hawken stuck ball

    I've used everything from penetrating oil to Dawn dish soap to remove a severely stuck ball. They worked. Good luck
  14. RATROD56

    Wanna See a Nice Pan Flash??

    Love it! Raising them right!
  15. RATROD56

    The GOEX Plant is shutting down

    Me too😔