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  1. Ballshooter

    Should I or should I not?

    To me its unfortunate and useless to not shoot a gun don't care if its one of a kind or not.
  2. Ballshooter

    Should I or should I not?

    Shoot it! I have two 1873-1973 Colts that my dad had ...He never shot them. He always wanted too. He passed and never enjoyed the pleasure..So on his birthday I loaded them up with some of his ashes mixed in with the powder and blasted away.
  3. Ballshooter

    I gave in to

    Love the 1860!
  4. Ballshooter

    A fowler for round ball accuracy

    Load was 145 grains / 50 grains of corn meal with a thin shot card on top followed by a .567 ball and another thin shot card on top of the ball. 85 grains with the same 50 grains of corn meal with a thin shot card on top followed by a .567 ball and another thin shot card on top of the ball shot...
  5. Ballshooter

    A fowler for round ball accuracy

    My 58 smoothbore Colonial shot at 65 yards shot okay
  6. Ballshooter

    Anyone care to share why it didn't go well..

    Could be but it isn't very runny 50% beeswax 48% bear tallow 2% Murphys Maybe more beeswax?
  7. Ballshooter

    Anyone care to share why it didn't go well..

    Yep, that is what I noticed as well
  8. Ballshooter

    Anyone care to share why it didn't go well..

    Yeah I will probably just stick with no wad gun is more consistent and way more accurate. Plus it sucks up power room normally I run 20 to 22 grains an a .380 ball.
  9. Ballshooter

    Anyone care to share why it didn't go well..

    The lube is pretty stiff probably not as chapstick consistency but close. Load was 15 grains and a .380 ball My mix is 4% Murphys 48 bear tallow 48 beeswax.
  10. Ballshooter

    Anyone care to share why it didn't go well..

    Okay, so I tried some homemade flet 1/8th wads in my 1851 36cal I got several squib loads..the ones that did make it to the target were not very accurate. Wads were dipped in my mix of bear tallow, beeswax, and a hint of Murphys. This lube works awesome in my rifles. My pistol is more accurate...
  11. Ballshooter

    1858 truck gun.

    100 percent have to shoot on a regular basis or you will not be proficient. Muscle memory is only by repetition. Oh and don't forget to wear a cowboy hat.
  12. Ballshooter

    24 Uberti 1862 Police unpack

    Yeah my Uberti 1851 is garbage can't even hit the 1in dot.:oops:
  13. Ballshooter

    Kibler Fowler Arrived!

    I am in the same boat...But I am waiting for some range reports from ya all! So how about that get busy guys need to see some shooting.
  14. Ballshooter

    Uberti deceiving arbor fit

    I made one out of stainless steel worked awesome.
  15. Ballshooter

    Conical bullets in a cap and ball revolver

    126gr era be gone and a 10mm case as a power measure full of 3f @ 17 yards. Shot pretty well.
  16. Ballshooter

    Won A Hawkin!

    Yep, when she sees another gun or bow lol
  17. Ballshooter

    Awfully quiet over at Kiblers.

    Awesome I love my Cherry stock kibler colonial
  18. Ballshooter

    Got a new toy!!

    Now go get it dirty!
  19. Ballshooter

    Awfully quiet over at Kiblers.

    I want one bad but can't decide on a 16ga or 20ga..would like to hunt Turkey never have. But mostly it would be used as a grouse gun and maybe a close range brush bear buster.
  20. Ballshooter

    Some Eye Candy : Cimarron 1860 "McCulloch Colt" Anyone Else?

    I am dear to the 1911 but in 10mm with 200gr cast flat nose. But I will admit I have carried my 1851 for self defense it is very accurate and it just feels like an extension of my hand. Never had it not go boom or not hit what I aim at. I didn't carry it until I had 1500 flawless rounds. Many...