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  1. D

    SOLD REDUCED!! 550$ .50 Caliber Lyman Great Plains Rifle

    I’m sorry for the delay, I thought the forum would send me an email if I got a message. The reason I’m selling is because I just need to get rid of some things. I wouldn’t be interested in a trade. Sorry again for the delay. I’ll keep a closer eye on the forum now.
  2. D

    SOLD REDUCED!! 550$ .50 Caliber Lyman Great Plains Rifle

    Yes it is Pedersoli Lyman and it does say 1:48” on the barrel.
  3. D

    SOLD REDUCED!! 550$ .50 Caliber Lyman Great Plains Rifle

    This was a kit I bought from a friend to help him out. I put it together pretty quick, which is to say it’s not really finished so you can easily finish it yourself. I sanded the stock for a little , but I did try to pattern that patina on it to see how it would look. Sandpaper will take it off...
  4. D

    Lee Mold .452-255 in a Pietta 1860 Army?

    Thank you for the replies! I could swear I visited the yesterday and they were 78.00$ maybe it was a website that looks the same. Anyway, I ordered the round ball mold. I didn't want to shoot conicals, but that is good information to have although I have mechanical calipers and not...
  5. D

    Lee Mold .452-255 in a Pietta 1860 Army?

    Will a .452-255 conical work in my Pietta Army? I know this is a huge bullet and may not seat fully in the cylinder, but I haven't tried it yet to know. The only reason I'm asking is because I won't pay 100$ for a Lee round ball mold in .454, and I already have this .452-255 mold for my .45. I...
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    Pictures and Information Needed on James Rice Rifle Please

    Hello, I've not been a member on this forum very long but I am impressed with the knowledge and resources that many of you have, so this may not be too hard for you guys but I can't find this information anywhere on the internet. I'm looking for information but especially pictures of several...
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    Question about a Custom Trade Gun

    Thank you that makes me feel much better. I’m not too worried about the side plate because I can replace that easily myself. There is also no gap between the lock and barrel and it seems pretty solid. Thanks again
  8. D

    Question about a Custom Trade Gun

    I shot my new custom trade gun for the first time yesterday. This is the first custom gun I have ever owned, my other muzzleloader are Pedersoli and Traditions. When I got home I started to clean it. I always take the lock out and clean that first then start on the barrel. When I took the 3 side...
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    Early English Trade Gun and Carolina Gun the Same Thing?

    Thanks Notchy Bob a lot! That's a bunch of great information on these guns. I've also been looking for that old map where Tennessee used to be part of North Carolina.
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    Early English Trade Gun and Carolina Gun the Same Thing?

    I really appreciate all of these responses. Very informative. So an early English trade gun circa 1740-60 could have been used in the French and Indian war carried by either Indians or colonial militia and could also have been used in the Revolutionary war by regular colonists, militia or even...
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    Early English Trade Gun and Carolina Gun the Same Thing?

    What made me wonder was the claysmithguns website page on "Trade Guns" has a Carolina trade gun and also an Early English. Other than the paint I can't tell a difference between the two. Both also have the serpent side plate. All his guns are made from originals aren't they?
  12. D

    Early English Trade Gun and Carolina Gun the Same Thing?

    Also, would these have been common during the Revolutionary War?
  13. D

    Early English Trade Gun and Carolina Gun the Same Thing?

    Early English Trade Guns and Carolina Guns the Same Thing? Or very close to the same thing? If not, what are the differences? This question may have already been answered here somewhere but I cannot find it. Thanks
  14. D

    WANTED English Fowler .62-caliber (20-gauge)

    Hello, Looking for an English fowler that would be close to period correct for the F&I war. Have seen several nice ones from 800$-1,200$ just couldn't get to them in time. Please PM if possible. Thanks, David