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  1. Alexitt

    Bison Powder Horn

    Looks Great!!!
  2. Alexitt

    Enumclaw WA ML Show March 2024

    I'll be there... I look forward to the show every year, though I kinda wish it was back in Monroe... Saves about an hour of going through Seattle...
  3. Alexitt

    For those of us without oxy-acy torch or forge

    I picked up the same one for myself, 70 bucks for a little forge was pretty reasonable and it works for anything I'll be doing... Just wanted to try forging without spending an arm and a leg...
  4. Alexitt

    Howdy from PNW

    Also welcome from WA, the wet side...
  5. Alexitt

    Special Finds

    I don't know that it was a special find per se but I did make a nice score last spring... A pawn shop I check periodically had purchased an Estate collection of 80 +/- various guns of all types and after he picked out the ones he wanted to keep for himself (he's also a B/P guy) he put the rest...
  6. Alexitt


    Welcome, also from Washington State...
  7. Alexitt

    From washington

    Welcome from Mukilteo WA
  8. Alexitt

    Bison Powder Horn

    Excellent idea! wish I'd thought of sandbags...
  9. Alexitt

    Bison Powder Horn

    I like working with bison, it seems a bit more forgiving than cow... Cow horns usually seem to be polished within an inch of their lives and mistakes are more obvious (at least mine are) though my horns don't have any real decoration on them other than a notch for the plug cordage and strap...
  10. Alexitt

    Shipping a Ruger old army to Washington state?

    I too live in Washington and have never had an issue getting BP firearms shipped right to my door...
  11. Alexitt

    Hello from the PNW

    Welcome from Western WA...
  12. Alexitt

    Pedersoli flintlock

    They do make great loaners... and they were too good a deal to pass up...
  13. Alexitt

    Pedersoli flintlock

    I picked up the pair of these at my LPS a while back, he picked them up at an estate sale along with about 70 others and has been slowly putting them out except for the ones he fell in love with... He too is an avid BP guy, dickered a bit and paid 350 for the flint and had to think about the cap...
  14. Alexitt

    Best place to buy leather?

    I've also picked up some really nice Buffalo recently from the in fact I just ordered another hide and it should be here by the end of the week... That's what this bag was made from, he had 1-2 more left when I ordered on Friday and they were 50% off for a 20+sq. ft hide...
  15. Alexitt

    Shot/powder accessory recommendations

    My personal preference is a horn, no moving parts or spring to break... plus I tend to lean pre-1840's... Also capacity, the horn will hold twice ((+-)) what an average flask will hold, I traded 2 flasks I had years ago and haven't looked back... If I'm shooting my revolvers I still have one for...
  16. Alexitt

    Possibles bags and how the straps are attached

    I personally don't make my bags with gussets (primarily double pouch) and I use softer medium-heavy weight hides but I find that sewing the strap flat with a slight angle makes them hang better on my not so svelte anymore figure...
  17. Alexitt

    Before & after powder horns

    Yeah, those bigger horns will definitely let you shoot most all day... And just to keep it straight in my noggin, only 2F in the plugged horns and 3F in the brass tipped...
  18. Alexitt

    Powder Horn “Sidedness”

    And just to throw one more thing in the mix you can also build a flat horn which can be worn on either side...
  19. Alexitt

    Before & after powder horns

    +1 for Pathfinders series... He does a very good job of explaining the basic procedure, wish I'd seen his before I started doing them but picked up some good tips to make it a bit easier... Mine tend to be pretty simple and not very ornate but they work and that's the part that counts, oh and...
  20. Alexitt

    Question about shooting round ball in smooth bore

    My personal preference is bareball over a thin 1-2 oz. leather OP wad followed by an 8-9 oz buffalo heavily lubed 50/50 beeswax/mink oil wad then a .610 ball with a felt or leather wad on top... I can shoot all day long with 5-6" groups at 50 yards which is about the best my old eye-bones can...