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  1. Stykbow

    Flinter made another kill

    Nice buck. Congrats!
  2. Stykbow

    Dry powder, dead doe

    Congrats on a nice doe.
  3. Stykbow

    Ramrod difference??

    I’d never really thought much about it beyond thinking I hunt with the rod in place, so I sight in that way. I’d be interested in what you find out if you test it.
  4. Stykbow

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    It counts with me. I’m a Jeep man myself. What’d you order?
  5. Stykbow

    New Muzzleloader Recommendations

    Unfortunately, no. I’m a rifle shooter myself, so I’ve never had the need. I have seen some dandy originals pop up in the classifieds here though. If I were in the market that’s where I’d start. If you want a brand new one I’d check the usual suspects like Pedersoli, Investarm, etc.
  6. Stykbow

    New Muzzleloader Recommendations

    If you want one ML to do it all and a percussion then this is easy to answer. Get a percussion shotgun of 20ga or larger. Problem solved unless you want to shoot 100 yards or so.
  7. Stykbow

    Thoughts on wet weather

    Yeah, snow is one thing and rain another. I applaud you guys that go out in the rain. I’ve done it to and never saw a deer, so now I just don’t bother with it.
  8. Stykbow

    Thoughts on wet weather

    My thoughts on wet weather are that I stay home!😉
  9. Stykbow

    Flintlock doe!

    Nice deer and rifle. Congrats!
  10. Stykbow

    Just a doe

    When I stop getting excited, I’ll stop hunting! Congrats on a nice doe and a good shot.
  11. Stykbow

    .45 caliber buck this morning

    Let’s see, bigger buck than I killed? Check. Cool rifle at a bargain basement price? Check. Yep, it’s official, I hate @Flash79. 😁 Congrats on a nice buck and rifle!
  12. Stykbow

    Tennessee ML Season Opener

    Congrats @Daytime Smoker! That’s a good lookin’ buck.
  13. Stykbow

    Renegade reborn

    40 grains…hmm. I bet it sounds like a squirrel fart when it goes off. 😆 Good job getting it shooting it again. I’m a big fan of resurrecting neglected stuff.
  14. Stykbow

    Pedersoli Blue Ridge Rifle Buck

    Really nice buck. Congrats!
  15. Stykbow

    Anybody here ever heard the term 'rip-off Britain'?

    Hate it for you, I really do. Pretty much everything is sky high right now.
  16. Stykbow

    Meat on the table

  17. Stykbow

    New rifle

    That’s a real beauty @pamtnman.
  18. Stykbow

    What's wrong with this doe?

    Yeah, just looks like an old fat doe to me.