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  1. Stykbow

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Some of us still don’t!
  2. Stykbow

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    If the temptation overcomes you, remember that I’m just down the road a bit. That’ll make a nice quick separation for you. 👍
  3. Stykbow

    Shooting Style?

    I’m usually at the range by myself, so I punch paper and am happy as a pig in sh$&. If my wife and son go we shoot boxes at various ranges with pistols, spent shotgun hulls, etc.
  4. Stykbow

    Do you use reading glasses while hunting?

    Only to see my phone so I can check in my deer.😉
  5. Stykbow

    Need to talk

    Prayers for you and your family.
  6. Stykbow

    Maryland Primitive Sika

    Nice! Congrats on your doe. What’s the story on those antlers sticking out of the bucket? 🙂
  7. Stykbow


    I like how fun that tomahawk looks.
  8. Stykbow

    Rifles at the Museum of the American Revolution

    @Rudyard I’m very confused why you thought it necessary to make your initial comments towards what we Americans see as hero’s. Unless you were hoping for the “flood of vitriolic hatred” you mentioned earlier. Last I checked nobody here is your enemy and to be honest I thought such blatantly...
  9. Stykbow

    Most famous piece of armour in the world?

    He reeeeaaaaally liked to fight. 😂
  10. Stykbow

    Last Day Doe

    Congrats on another deer.
  11. Stykbow

    Recovered bullet pixs, lets see em!

    Agreed! Two holes is best. I’ve had lesser blood trails if I don’t get a pass thru. I look at it like opening a can of cream. Sure, you get the cream out if you punch a single hole, but it comes out a lot better if you punch that second hole!
  12. Stykbow

    Jim and Katherine Kibler's fowler as a window into American and British history

    I think that is a well written post by @dave_person and I appreciate the time and effort to share that knowledge. However, I don’t agree with the part about Britain “letting us go”. As an American, I believe the outcome of that shooting war goes in the win column for us. If it makes some...
  13. Stykbow

    Popped the cherry

  14. Stykbow

    Got one tonight

    Nice buck and rifle. Congrats.
  15. Stykbow

    Range Day in Southeast TX

    Good for you, slick. Glad they got your eyes fixed up. Now get out there and make the deer pay for it! Good lookin’ rifle as well.
  16. Stykbow

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Knoxville huh? I’m just a bit north of you in the Jacksboro area. Small world.
  17. Stykbow

    Swing and a miss...

    Nice buck!
  18. Stykbow

    Who Loves Winter Scouting?

    That’s a shame those two bucks weren’t recovered. Of course that’s assuming they were shot and lost. Either way, yes, I like scouting in the winter. With all the leaves down you can see great and since season is over you don’t have to worry about ruining a good spot.
  19. Stykbow

    WV Heritage season

    Congrats on killing them big girls. Good luck with the bears and turkeys.