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  1. Kabulrocks

    Due for a good film

    I have “The Scarlett Coat” waiting for me on my DVR: “Drums along the Mohawk” is a favorite or mine:
  2. Kabulrocks

    Old guy camping

    There is a man at Silver Dollar City (1880s theme park, Branson, MO) that squares up pine logs all day long by hand. The timbers he makes are used in the buildings and structures in the park and nearby campground. The photos below are not mine, but are the man at SDC, Mark Edwards. I believe...
  3. Kabulrocks

    North WEst Trade Gun

    Thanks! Sorry it took so long for a response, PM sent.
  4. Kabulrocks

    Kibler has announced a Hawken Kit in the works.

    My connection isn’t cooperating with posting pictures.
  5. Kabulrocks

    Kibler has announced a Hawken Kit in the works.

    I missed this question, but here is the “squirrel rifle” as displayed at the J M Davis museum in Claremore, OK:
  6. Kabulrocks

    Kibler Brown Bess?

    A pistol would be much easier for someone’s heirs to pass on to future generations rather than a 5’+ rifle rattling around in a closet. Much easier to store.
  7. Kabulrocks

    FOR SALE New Squirrel Hunting Book................

    Sending you a PM, I would like a copy of your book. Thanks!
  8. Kabulrocks

    National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. OKC

    I was going to mention the 45th museum, and also highly recommend it. That part of OKC has several museums in just a couple mile area- firefighters, softball, an outstanding science and aviation museum and a zoo. And the Bricktown area downtown has the American Banjo Museum.
  9. Kabulrocks

    North WEst Trade Gun

    That’s what I would like to do for a trade gun but don’t know where to start. Is there a specific parts list that you can point me/us to?
  10. Kabulrocks

    Made a Lyman pouch

    That’s a nice gun.
  11. Kabulrocks

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    I drove up from Tulsa to the Hawken Classic and met Mr. Grenadier in person and had a great discussion about Hawken rifles and other subjects. It’s a great event and I appreciate the effort that it takes to host such an event.
  12. Kabulrocks

    Ever shoot a loading rod down range? You tell me........... I won't rat you out !

    A friend of mine did, while shooting my CVA Kentucky rifle at mussel shells on the opposite bank across a low, slow moving river. We couldn’t figure out what the splash was about halfway across the river, we thought he might have spooked a gar with his shot. When he started to load the next shot...
  13. Kabulrocks

    Hawkens East?

    The Davis museum has a very nice research library, I will see if I can find the article that you are referring to.
  14. Kabulrocks

    Hawkens East?

    I am not familiar with the 1970s article that you mentioned, but this is a display at the JM Davis museum in Claremore, OK.
  15. Kabulrocks

    Greetings from Oklahoma!

    Welcome from Claremore!
  16. Kabulrocks

    Penny For Your Thoughts? Pawn Shop Find.

    I had a similar opportunity a couple of years ago. A local shop bought an estate with several nice flinlock rifles. They had a couple that I was interested in, but the rifles had straight barrels and the price was very near a Kibler kit price, so I didn’t buy one.
  17. Kabulrocks

    Hello from OK

    Where abouts in Oklahoma? I’m in Claremore.