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  1. T

    Rifle plug removal, field removal

    I think I'll just look for another barrel for that gun. If'n I find one, I might just try pulling the breech off the old barrel, for the experience. Thanks to you all for your suggestions.
  2. T

    Rifle plug removal, field removal

    Granadier, The rifle is a Thompson Center 'White Mountain Carbine'. I'm not at home, but I think it is a 22" long barrel. I don't see a seam where the breech and barrel come together like I have seen on other T/C's.
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    Rifle plug removal, field removal

    I was asked by a friend of mine to clean some firearms he found at a garage sale. On closer inspection, it appeared to have a load in the barrel. I tried the ball puller, but as only 2" of the ramrod protruded from the muzzle, I used vise grips which pulled apart the apparently dry-rotted...
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    SOLD - Pending funds T/C .54 Percussion Renegade

    I will take it, but don't know how to buy it from this site. Joe Sobnosky
  5. T

    SOLD - Pending funds T/C .54 Percussion Renegade

    The .54 Renegade. Can't figure how to use this forum!
  6. T

    Southpaw percussion, Invest Arms and no other?

    I was hoping that someone could tell me how difficult these rifles are to build. My brother and his son want a kit in LH.
  7. T

    Southpaw percussion, Invest Arms and no other?

    I believe that Jededia Trading Post offers 4 or 5 left handed flintlock rifle kits. One is the Gemmler Hawken and there are 3 or 4 longrifles.
  8. T

    What do you hunt with your traditional muzzleloader?

    I’ve only hunted deer. Got a .54 renegade percussion in the 80’s.. I think. Hunted with it some, especially in primitive season, but mostly it lived in the gun safe. Then was given a flintlock, and I love shooting this gun! Am looking to build a Kibler SMR to hunt deer this year. Too bad I’m...
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    No Excuses NEW 54 cal 485 gr bullet Reviews?

    Thank you. This forum is incredible with the amount of information that is shared.
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    No Excuses NEW 54 cal 485 gr bullet Reviews?

    Where is a good place to find a .58 cal mound?
  11. T

    Hello from Muzzle-Loaders

    This is the most informative site on the topic of muzzleloader. I’ve already sent a T/C Renegade to Bobby Hoyt to get rebored as a possible solution to pitting in the bore. Thanks for that info! I enjoy reading about solutions to other problems as well. There is a wealth of knowledgeable (sp)...
  12. T

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Sent my T/C .54 Renegade to Bobby Hoyt to rebore to .58 cal. Thanks to this site for that info.
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    Stock finish question

    Hmmm. I have a lot to learn…
  14. T

    Stock finish question

    What product do you use to seal the? unfinished wood
  15. T

    Kibler .40 SMR order

    Is 50 yards a typical distance for a flintlock? It seems that most you tube videos are 50 yards as well. It there a loss in accuracy on longer shots, like 100?
  16. T

    Hello All

    Thank you. I grew up in eastern Ohio.