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  1. Ed C.

    Velocity affect accuracy ?

    This brings up the question again. Is the bullet exiting the muzzle before or after the recoil? I would think before, otherwise, even with good recoil abilities we wouldn't be able to shoot the tight groups that are achieved today.
  2. Ed C.

    Best revolver nipple wrench

    You must have some quality files. Mine were too soft so I used a Dremel taking care not to overheat the heat treat of the socket. For rifles I made this from a 1/2" bolt.
  3. Ed C.

    Best revolver nipple wrench

    Ted Cash tool and homemade nipple wrenches are the best I've used. Heat rather than cold has always been my friend. If the coefficient of expansion of the cylinder metal is greater than that of the nipp;le it can help loosen them. Try in the oven at about 350.
  4. Ed C.

    Keeping Walker cylinder turning freely

    So much for instruction from Colt. Supposedly many of the cylinder failures were due to recommended powder charges being exceeded and the conical bullets being loaded in backwards.
  5. Ed C.

    Keeping Walker cylinder turning freely

    Follow @45D's advice and that will cure one of the Walkers cylinder rotation problems. The other problem with Walkers is they do not shed spent caps very well and they will often jam between the cylinder and shield which causes you to have to stop and fiddle with them vs my '58 Remingtons which...
  6. Ed C.

    Has anyone ever done this.

    Right. With a proper patch and lube after being fired the patch should be intact. No tears or holes where the ball could touch any part of the bore. Start with some .015" pillow ticking. It provides the seal needed to propel the ball. Dozens of lubes out there for the patches. Some common ones...
  7. Ed C.

    Short arbor discussion

    Depends on how consistent you are in setting the wedge. With the short arbor fix you remove that variable from the equation. While Beliveau puts up very informative and often useful info I question some of his fixes.
  8. Ed C.

    Patching over your powder charge …. then patching your ball

    I'm almost 80. Take my word for it....old men wind up doing some weird stuff sometimes.
  9. Ed C.

    Does one need to apply oil or ballistol INSIDE the lock?

    My locks are pretty much sealed off from fouling. Once a year I'll remove the lock and trigger, no disassembly, and clean with warm soap and water, blow dry with compressed air and put it in the oven on warm to dry. I pack it with Mobil 1 synthetic grease (same as revolvers), work it a few times...
  10. Ed C.

    Breech plug removal question.

    I could do it but I know people that I definitely would not advise to try it. Not everybody is created mechanically equal.
  11. Ed C.

    Breech plug removal question.

    OK, I give up. Everybody should be able to pull a breech plug.
  12. Ed C.

    Breech plug removal question.

    Knowledge is the best thing. In the case of removing a breech plug, if I had to do it I would. I have the tools, been a mechanic all my life and do a lot of work on my guns, but it may not be for everybody. On knowing when to sub out work here is an example. I wanted to ream out the chambers on...
  13. Ed C.

    Another name for #40 drill?

    I don't know about #40 drill cloth. Is that the same as pillow ticking? Usually a few different bolts of that in hobby or fabric stores. I also just pick out what I need by caliper measurement. .016-.017" using a light touch.
  14. Ed C.

    Breech plug removal question.

    Yes, but there is a learning path to follow before you get in over your head and ruin a treasured gun. Sort of like if you are a general practitioner you don't decide to do a heart transplant.
  15. Ed C.

    Breech plug removal question.

    I It is good to know how to remove a breech plug and the tools necessary to do it correctly. With that knowledge you can go to step 1...deciding weather or not you have the skills and tools to do the job. What is routine for some can be a nightmare for others, You need to know your limitations.
  16. Ed C.

    Recommended revolver parts to upgrade or have as spares?

    Parts are not that expensive. You have gotten plenty of good recommendations on what to get and where to get them. They are not always available so I'd say get whatever you can when you can. They will only go up in price and possibly down in availability in the future.
  17. Ed C.

    Sight movement

    Due to the hole drilled in the adjustable spring loaded ramp and the distance from where it is hinged it can be pushed a tiny bit side to side but seems to have a center it returns to. In any case not an issue for me.
  18. Ed C.

    “Dry ball”

    Good thinking on reseating the ball.
  19. Ed C.

    How Powerful are Black Powder Guns?? - Ballistic High-Speed

    Entertaining. Makes me glad I have a simple 'ol chronograph rather than expensive cameras shooting thousands of frames per second, not to mention the mathematical gymnastics used to measure velocity. Ok, I'm impressed.....with how they took something as easy as measuring bullet velocity into...
  20. Ed C.

    Could caps do this?

    More shooting is always good advice. I'll take that.