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  1. W

    Horace Fowling Piece?

    I found the proof marks on the barrel, but cannot find a matching one in the posted link. There are two marks on each barrel. The top mark on each looks like a pine tree silhouette with crossed sabres. The bottom mark on each looks like a four leaved clover with crossed sabres. None are...
  2. W

    Care of old barrels?

    Hi, Art (Olgreenhead). No, I did NOT forget to tell them I was using Pyrodex. You're skimming articles again, and missing the important stuff. BTW, folks, OlGreenhead is the young man who told me to come here for all my questions. His cro-magnon tendencies finally paid off. Kris in NY
  3. W

    Horace Fowling Piece?

    Pics of a double-barrel, muzzle-loading fowling piece. Only identifying marks are the name "Horace" engraved on each side of the stock in the steel. Also notice how I darkened in the engraving to show a dog and a bird. Anyone ever hear of Horace as a manufacturer? Does this look English or...
  4. W

    Care of old barrels?

    Hi, folks. I am new to this type of firearm. I was given an original Smith carbine (.50 cal) and an original Burnside carbine (.54 cal). After a lot of work and sweat and calloused fingers from picking the flash paths clear I have gotten them both to shoot. My question is about how to treat...