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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. M

    No haz-mat fee (until Sept. 14th, 2023)

    FYI- Minimum powder order with Graf & Sons is 4lbs.
  2. M

    See this? Fourteenth century cannon?

    That looks just like an early Bombard of the 14 century that the Scottish kings used. The copper alloy indicated was actually Bronze (copper and tin). (Edit) I actually didn't notice the measuring scale at the bottom of the photo. I'm assuming it is denoted in inches and not centimeters. If...
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    Only for in store purchase. They will not ship.
  4. M

    What kind of stuff do you all read?

    I mostly read non-fiction, history and technical books. The older the publication the more excited I get about wanting to pick it up. My concurrent reading list goes something like this: 😏 Artillery through the Ages (1949). Round Shot and Rammers (1969). British Smooth-Bore Artillery: A...
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    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    I purchased my first BP firearm today. It's a Pietta 1851 Navy 7.5" barrel in .44 cal. Pretty excited!! Picture attached is manufacturers photo.
  6. M

    New member from California

    I was up there years ago but never with BP, good to know they are cannon friendly!! 🙂
  7. M

    New member from California

    Hey Mad L, I almost grew up at Angeles Range, I've been going there on and off since I was 16. That cannon is a beauty! I still hope the range masters are as BP friendly as i recall, they use to allow BP shooting at the far end of the pistol range. A group of ladies showing up with that? I...
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    New member from California

    BTW your cannon is awesome!!!
  9. M

    New member from California

    Hi James, thanks for the suggestion. I was always concerned about the weight of the full scale cannon and carriage and the ability to transport it to different events and ranges. Hmmm, now you’ve given me something else to think on….I thought I finally had decided on what cannon to buy. 😆
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    New member from California

    Absolutely! And Thank you for the welcome.
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    New member from California

    Hello all, I'm Mike, I reside in California. I'm very new to muzzleloading and have a keen interest in Civil War era cannons. However, I'm not new to shooting just new to Blackpowder. I am looking into purchasing an 1841 1/2-scale six-pounder cannon or an 1857 1/2-scale Napolean 12-pounder...