Yep, I seen that one also, not as nice
As my buddies, but price range is a
Dang site closer, this rifle for 250 has some, scratches, and rust in spots, decent though. Thanks
Thanks for the info, I seen that one,
Message him, he will not budge 450
To hi, my buddy just bought 1 on GB
on auction etc condition, won the bid
375 done out the door and on the way.
I get called names all the time 😂
Mostly from momma, 😄 my rifle
Just got named, (Betty) ETipp helped
Me with name! Ah ha ha 😂 😂 😂
Just picking MR
You have had an eventful morning,
Next time, you'll git'm. we have had no snow here
To amount to any thing in several years , calm quite snow, no wind
Great set up.
Hey, had another thought, I think it
May be from England, I don't know,
I can tell, wife, ( retrieve ole Betty from the rack, I'm off to the wild wood. Yeah, nice ring to it.
Hey! You called your rifle by name
MrC, been thinking name for mine
All I keep thinking is (Betty) Crockett
Ha! ( Betty crocker) Get it? Any way
It may be stupid? My wife calls me that all
Time. Just a pondering thought
Yep! I've got 5 tubes missing can't fine them, may have lost'm when I
Got my deer, I'm git'n terrible about
Remembering and keeping up with stuff, So, your not alone ole pal.