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  1. wpage

    Industrial Art, or just a old percussion gun?

    ^^^ That is a long gun^^^ Looks like a accurate shooter...
  2. wpage

    Industrial Art, or just a old percussion gun?

    So there are folk that seem to believe that guns are these nasty dangerous things... Really, I disagree and think that all firearms represent technological wonders and breakthroughs worth better appreciation. Post a pic of one your fond of...
  3. wpage

    New member from PA.

    Welcome... Enjoy !
  4. wpage

    FOR SALE New Squirrel Hunting Book................

    Well done ETipp. You have found a interesting topic others have chosen to ignore. Hunting the squirrel and doing it correctly. Good stuff.
  5. wpage

    2024/2025 Squirrel Hunting Thread...........

    Like Las Vegas for Squirrels... Nice!
  6. wpage

    The PA ‘One-of-a-Kind’ Flintlock Deer Season Turns 50!

    Pa. is a great state to hunt with some nice deer. Like certain other good state Pa has a program for vets and seniors for discounts and other benefits.
  7. wpage

    2024/2025 Squirrel Hunting Thread...........

    Harvesting squirrel is a sure sport. Keeping those rascal squirls out of your attic is a must.
  8. wpage

    Problem getting spark thru to powder... Help!

    Certainly will, waiting on delivery. Spending time buffing the barrel. Expectations are great.
  9. wpage

    2024/2025 Squirrel Hunting Thread...........

    Squirrel hunting is the bomb.com Regardless of your tool of choice. Squirrels are a real trip for hunters.
  10. wpage

    New Member From Canada

    Welcome... De US
  11. wpage

    Problem getting spark thru to powder... Help!

    ^^^^Good advice...^^^
  12. wpage

    A question about pyrodex

    Pyrodex works for me. Trick is to keep the gun clean. A clean gun is a happy gun!
  13. wpage

    Cleaning Question

    Beginning to understand uncle saying "you dont know spit" 1001 uses.
  14. wpage

    stuck nipples

    Hot torch or lighter. Lubes, and cold... Over time and tinker it will come out. Keep playing and testing it.
  15. wpage

    Let's Talk Tuning

    A diamond in the rough... Polish makes a true stone.
  16. wpage

    New member

    Welcome... Enjoy!
  17. wpage

    Problem getting spark thru to powder... Help!

    Thanks for the tip on leaving that stubborn screw alone. Removing the nipple was all needed to get in and clean house... Expecting amazone to deliver the parts soon and then some happy times at the range. Once again thanks for all sharing wisdom and experience here.
  18. wpage

    Problem getting spark thru to powder... Help!

    Its all rainbows and unicorns going forward when the parts arrive. Thanks again the helps worked well.
  19. wpage

    New member with a problem

  20. wpage

    Problem getting spark thru to powder... Help!

    So got it out and routed with some .24 then .14 ga copper wire. Did order some new nipples as suggested, and a proper nipple wrench for install. Thanks to all for valuable tips. Here is todays image...