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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. M

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Pretty much finished the major work on the Kebler Colonial. Used JAX brown on all the brass parts. Installed the sights. Installed the trigger then the ram rod pipes. Used a straightened paper clip to measure for the length of pins. Put the clip in the hole and marked it with a pen. Used it as...
  2. M

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Didn't get much time yesterday to work on the Kebler Colonial, just sanded on the ramrod pipes. Today I finished draw filing the barrel . Went over the flats with 240 and then used JAX to blue/black the steel parts. Applied the iron nitrate stain to the stock and ramrod. After it dried used the...
  3. M

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Continued work on the Kebler Colonial today. Raised the grain 3 times on the stock sanded with fresh 320 grit paper. Also sanded,raised the grain on the ramrod and tapered it to fit into the drilled stock hole.
  4. M

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Had a number of chores and repairs to do before I got to gun time today. What I did get done was put a coat of Iron Nitrate Gun Stock Stain on the patchbox cover. Let it dry and took the hear gun to it. From a green to a rich brown and with a first coat of Tried & True oil brought out the curl...
  5. M

    New Member from Wisconsin

    Thank you nkbj. It's starting to have that feeling, a long lost home. Spent some time in the cowboy era but the first and lasting love are flintlocks. I also love the creative artistry of folk keeping the crafts and ways of life alive. Makes me want to spend more time in the shop and on the range.
  6. M

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    The work on the Kebler Colonial continued. Cut out a wood block to mount the buttplate for filing & sanding. Got it finished to the point where the next step is applying the antiquing. Will do all the brass parts at the same time.
  7. M

    New Member from Wisconsin

    How often do they have shoots there? Is it a club?
  8. M

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Like the last couple of days spending some time at the bench. Working on a Kebler Colonial in 54cal. Making good progress.
  9. M

    New Member from Wisconsin

    Thanks for the invite. A distance away, wish it were a little closer. A few of us are going to get together around here and start throwing sparks and making smoke.
  10. M

    New Member from Wisconsin

    New to the Forum but not Muzzleloading. Been shooting Flints since the mid 70's. Life member NMLRA & NRA. Went online to look for something new to build and found this forum. Looks good.