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  1. Virginia Gentleman

    New member in VA.

    Welcome fellow Virginian and happy 4th of July!
  2. Virginia Gentleman

    New member from Oregon

    I'm new too, welcome from VA
  3. Virginia Gentleman

    FOR SALE Stainless Ruger Old Army .45

    Was the gun modified at all to fit the cylinder? Thanks!
  4. Virginia Gentleman

    Freaking New Guy-VA

    Any quote from Lee is fine by me.
  5. Virginia Gentleman

    Freaking New Guy-VA

    My father lives right by Tellico Lake, beautiful state that sells fireworks.
  6. Virginia Gentleman

    Freaking New Guy-VA

    Greetings from Virginia, I’m new to joining the forum, been reading it for a while. Lots of good information. I have several black powder pistols, want to get into rifles.