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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. A

    Hunting with Wheel locks and Match Locks in PA

    This is my cheek hold German wheel lock that I shot the deer with. It is a 58 smooth bore rile, that is it has a rear sight. Barrel length is 42”. It is dated 1685 on the barrel. When I got it I emediately cocked the lock and set the rifle on some shooting bags and aimed at something about 40...
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    Hunting with Wheel locks and Match Locks in PA

    Chuck, Well im fighting my own wars. First you need to ask the Game Commsion why they are not allowing muzzleloading pistols in SRA areas. There may be a very good reason like Those areas are already controled by other state and local laws resticting the use or possession of pistols in those...
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    Hunting with Wheel locks and Match Locks in PA

    Early last year I got an original German wheel lock off a small auction online. It is in excellent original condition so why not hunt with it , right! I talked to a PA Game officer and asked if it was legal to hunt with one for deer. First he didn’t know what a wheel lock was so I had to explain...
  4. A

    New member but I’ve been around a while

    Hello fellow muzzleloader enthusiast. You may have known me by The Leatherman the last 25 + years. I have sold that business and doing business as Accu-Riser which is a line of cheek pads and risers for all types of rifles and shotguns I started back in 2003. I now have lots of time on my hands...