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  1. Joe L

    Button buck in the snow

    No, I purchased it from the classifieds here in November and I've gotten two deer with it already. According to the seller it was built by Bruce Hamlin.
  2. Joe L

    Button buck in the snow

    The flintlock season in my area of PA has been snowy and cold, but on Friday 1/17 the sun came out and so did the deer. After one blown stalk I spotted another deer feeding out on a power line around noon. I was able to sneak along the edge with the deer facing away from me. I got within about...
  3. Joe L

    Recovered bullet pixs, lets see em!

    .440 prb with 75 grains 3f. 20 yard, quartering away uphill shot on a button buck. Went through heart and stopped against offside shoulder blade.
  4. Joe L

    Bushy Run Collectors show Jan 24-25, 2024- Delmont, PA

    Are there usually items for sale at this show? I'm planning to check it out this year.
  5. Joe L

    Recovered bullet pixs, lets see em!

    .440 round ball with 75 grains 3f at a doe, about 40 yard shot quartering to. Entered in front of right shoulder, stopped under skin on left side mid-ribs. There was blood on the left side so it must have just cut the skin. She ran about 50 yards with a pretty good blood trail.
  6. Joe L

    .45 PA doe

    Thursday afternoon I got a doe with my .45 flintlock I purchased from the classifieds here a couple months ago. Used .440 round ball with 75 grains 3f schuetzen. I was hunting along a recently planted gas line that still has young green grass on it, and about 7 does came out to feed near...
  7. Joe L

    PA doe with .54

    I'm not too worried about the rest of the ball being in the meat, but I have bitten down on a TSS pellet in a turkey I killed, that wasn't very fun.
  8. Joe L

    Recovered bullet pixs, lets see em!

    Here are 3 .530 balls shot with 80-90gr 2F at 30-40 yards. Two on the left are from a shed buck last year. One went through shoulder, spine, stopped in opposite shoulder. Follow-up shot went through sternum and stopped in shoulder. Piece of ball on right was from small doe, quartering to shot...
  9. Joe L

    PA doe with .54

    This is all I could find, maybe about 40% of the ball
  10. Joe L

    PA doe with .54

    Here's a young doe I got in PA early muzzleloader season. Taken with .54 cal Pedersoli Hawken. Couldn't tell if it was a big fawn or small adult doe. It had seen me and kept coming closer to investigate, shot was quartering to about 35 yards. PRB with 85gr 2F, went through the spine and lodged...
  11. Joe L

    Hello from PA

    Western PA near Pittsburgh
  12. Joe L

    Hello from PA

    Hello, I'm from PA and I've been shooting and hunting with flintlocks on and off for the past 20 years, but really getting more into it now. Just got a doe this week in PA's early muzzleloader season with my .54 Pedersoli Hawken. I'll definitely be looking to buy some stuff through the...