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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. JeeperBillMI

    Howdy from Colorado and Stuck Ball Question!

    First verify the gun isn’t double loaded which can create a very dangerous situation if you do this method. Take the Ram rod and put it down the barrel. Mark where it ends up at the muzzle then put it up against the barrel to see how far down the end is compared to the breech. It shouldn’t be...
  2. JeeperBillMI

    Hello from Ontario, Canada.

    Welcome from an expat now living in Michigan.
  3. JeeperBillMI

    FFF powder in a .62 caliber smoothie?

    I have been shooting a .62 cal in trade gun in competitions with a group regularly. Almost everyone I shoot with loads with 3F and primes with 4F. There are some at the competitions that still use 2F for loading but they are few. I personally use 3F in all of my muzzleloaders because it cleans...
  4. JeeperBillMI

    CVA lock problems

    Check that the lock bolts are not over-torqued pulling the lock plate causing it to bend. I worked on a CVA that was monkeyed with prior to me where someone had removed some wood from the lock mortise area. The lock was pulled so tight by the screws it would bend the whole plate and the main...
  5. JeeperBillMI

    Round balls and obturation

    No not really. I am just a retired Mechanical Engineer that understands physics. Personally I don’t care if the ball deforms or not. Knowing so won’t improve my accuracy any. LOL
  6. JeeperBillMI

    Round balls and obturation

    I believe the force diagram is missing a very important opposing force. That would be the force of friction between the patched ball and the side wall. If that ball is really deforming during ignition of the black powder it may even change the force of friction as it travels down the bore.
  7. JeeperBillMI

    Greetings from Michigan

    Hi I am new to the muzzleloader forum. I started muzzleloading later in life in 2017. I will never forget showing up for a woods walk shoot at my local sportsmen’s club with a TC Hawken I purchased used. Though I checked the bore of that gun little did I know the nipple was filled solid with...