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  1. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    I think im a couple hours away from my final sanding. Spent a lot of time on this thing haha. Definitely a good learning experience so far. I did light water rub to raise the grain, find my imperfections and test the color to see how dark it was going to get. Definitely going with 0 stain and...
  2. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    What do you have? Message me what it is and your price!
  3. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Thanks! All good info. I did notice that the front of my lock panels is wonky. Especially in the pictures it really stands out. I'll trace out a template to refine it. I accidentally rubbed over it with sandpaper while sanding the top, it was an error which burnt the edge making it look way...
  4. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Progress so far. Did a test fit, to make sure all the parts still fit. I still have more sanding/refining and finish work. Id say I'm around 22 hours of tinkering so far. Fun, slow work. Wish I didn't raise my lock panels so much but I did the best i could with what I know so far Whatchya think?
  5. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    This is where I'm at so far. I do believe maybe how deep i went on the lock panels in the first pictures may have been exaggerated by my photo angles. I inlcuded new ones with a pencil for reference. Today's two questions: 1) do the pencil lines on the lock panels look like a good place to...
  6. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Haha, it went about double of what I wanted it too 😄 😅. It's not worth what i paid, but I've wanted one for 20 years and I couldn't afford it back then! It's been about 20 hours of fun so far, and i mainly only hunt flintlock. I hunt all seasons but usually only pull the trigger in flintlock. I...
  7. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Fair enough, thanks for the info! Yeah, guess I messed up. I'll have to do what I can haha! Good thing is I'm enjoying this, so it probably won't be my last build! I don't plan on ever selling it or giving it away so I suppose it is what it is! But I'm actually standing in lowes right now for...
  8. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    What do you mean by round off the wrist? I'm either over thinking it or don't understand the terminology haha. I started with a file and made some mistakes so I went to a chisel. I still have a bit of room to work with on my lock, I can sand it down probably and 1/8th inch before I run out of...
  9. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Her Here is what I ended up with after about 6 hours of tinkering. Feel like I have many hours left, and my arm hurts from sanding haha
  10. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Thank you! Extremely helpful. Anything you'd change so far?
  11. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Hey! What would you do about finishing this. There is 10 different ways i could think of, or is just squaring it up with sand paper and file the correct way
  12. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    I do not believe so, it seems as i purchased from a private individual per the transaction terms and conversations.
  13. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Thanks man, I really appreciate it! I definitely didn't plan on using a Dremel, I've had way to many bad experiences with one haha. I have really good wood chisels, and picked up a wood rasp set. I have a bunch of sandpaper, plus bought some sanding blocks in varying grit from 80 to 400 grit...
  14. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Thank you! That is extremely helpful. I like the brass level with the wood! I have a really good set of chisels I'll use. I Just better be careful. If I were to mess up at all around the mortise or any of the brass plates, any tips for fixing it?
  15. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Thanks! I actually stumbled across this already. I am unsure if this kit has the old or new style lock until I get it. Without knowing it's exact year and obviously with t/c being out of business and no records from the fire, not sure how I'd know until I get it. Unless you can tell? I saw some...
  16. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    So, through my research, I've came to the conclusion that somewhere in the late 80's to early 90's they started coming with the blueing done. They were a more complete kit to start. My two guesses would be, 1) most people lacked the skills necessary to do the entire process the longer time went...
  17. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Thank you! Very helpful. I took two years of woodworking in vo tech in high school and the #1 rule was always sand, sand, sand, taper taper taper. So that makes sense. I've since built my own house and done a lot of woodworking to hone my skills, but lately I've been doing a lot of primitive...
  18. FlintHunter1987

    New-old Stock T/C Hawken Kit Pics and hopefully some tips from the pros!

    Hello! New here to the site, but not to Flintlocks. Was able to score this gun on Gunbroker and it's on its way to me. Will be my first kit I've ever put together. I'm very familiar with flintlocks and a pretty good woodworker, but any do's or dont's I should know when finishing? It appears...