It is my understanding that Musket caps give a "longer" flash time, rather than a "hotter" flash, making them the preference for ignition in long or loosley compacted powder columns.
Can't say this is fact, as I own and shoot both. And if there is any difference in ignition "times", I'm not smart enough to see it.
I do like the fact that they fit my fat old clumsy fingers much better.......almost as good as a #11 with a "handle" on it.
I have also noticed I seldom, if ever, get a jam-up in my musket capper, while that same jam-up is a constant nuisance with #11 caps. I am leaning more and more toward a leather capper for the #11 because of this.
Would I convert from a #11 to a musket??? Never! I think they each have an application that we should try to stay with.