1857 Mauser Rifle

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32 Cal.
Mar 31, 2003
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Any one have experience shooting the Pedersoli 54cal. 1857 Mauser Wurttemberg rifle ?
No experience with it, but why do they call it a Mauser? The Mauser brothers' father was an armorer at the Wurttemburg arsenal at about that time (and his son's followed in his footsteps when they became armorers there when they came of age) but that is about as far as the "Mauser" connection with this gun goes. A marketing ploy I guess? It is a fairly accurate repop of the original.
>that is about as far as the "Mauser" connection with this gun goes

From what I know one of the Mauser brothers worked as a filer in his apprenticeship and actually did file some parts for the 1857.. :grin:

It was first produced as limited edition in sort of a joint venture of Mauser and Pedersoli 1998 because of the anniversary of the Mauser system. After the lapse of the contract Pedersoli produces a the model again with a slight variation of the rear sight. A friend of mine shoots the first series model and said that this is of better quality but he had to overwork the rear sight to prevent it from shifting too easily.
Hi Begor,
I have a Mauser 1857 bought 2003. High quality and based on a very good model IMO. Do you want to se some pictures comparing an original? Examples of loading-data?? I am just now on vacation but home tomorrow.
ARILAR :grin: :thumbsup:
Please post pictures sir.
As a Noobie I'm interested in any kind of muzzle loader.
Arilar: Pictures and any information would be appreciated. I understand it is well thought of amoung European ML shooters. I obtained mine in 2003 from a private person who had it for awhile but never shot it. Thanks
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Begor said:
Is the original in cal. 54 ?
Actually cal. .50 and 3 grooves. That is what was requested for the try-out I guess. I have heard that the Suhl rifle was "best in test" but a Swedish construction, known as model Wrede, won the contract and became Swedish infantryrifle m.1860 (one reason it was cheaper).
ARILAR :grin: :thumbsup:
Begor said:
Arilar: Have you had any experience shooting the Pedersoli? Begor
Hi Begor,
Not so much but has gathered some options.
From Pedersoli suggestion to use their minie-bullet .547 and 48 grain of Swiss n:eek: 2 (fffg).
A Norwegian friend reports good results on 100 meters with the same bullet but 60 grains of Swiss n:eek: 4.
From Netherlands came suggestion to use Lyman 450 Grain Plains Bullet (diam. .548) (n.b. not allowed to use in MLAIC Mine-event) with 45 grain of Swiss n:eek: 4.
I have tried the Lyman-bullet with 70 grains! of Swiss n:eek: 3 (ffg) with pretty good result.
So ,as usual, you have to try to find your favourite formula!![url] http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h175/arilar/IMG_0083.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h175/arilar/IMG_0084.jpg[/url]
ARILAR :grin: :thumbsup:
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I think the name Mauser when in context to this rifle is one of association rather than manufacturing genius simply put Mauser Werke was formally know as Gewehrfabrik Obendorf later as in late 1800 was renamed Mauser Werke Obendorf.

I think the reason for the name is purely licensing as opposed to anything else.

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