Greetings all. Well the BP bug has bitten me pretty bad and I recently purchased a new Armi Sport 1861 Springfield to go along with my Pietta 1860 Army and Uberti 3rd model Dragoon. I am planning on getting the 1861 out to the range tomorrow or the next. After doing a lot of research on firing and loading it I think I have the basics down (hammer to half cock, pour measured powder charge down barrel, lube Minnie and insert into muzzle, tap Minnie down with rod, install musket cap, aim, hammer to full cock and fire). I'll be using .575 dia 566 Gr soft lead Minnes and with a load of 50gr Pyrodex Select RS powder to start with and see how close this gets me on paper. I also understand that you must lube the Minnie prior to inserting it into the barrel. I have some Traditions wonderlube 1000 plus that I am planning on using for this. Without making my own lube, Is this something that will work appropriately for lubing the Minnie or is there something better? I have also read conflicting info that states I should still use some sort of patch or wadding even if using a Minnie. I don't believe this is the case for this type of musket rifle when shooting Minnies, but can anyone confirm this for me? Thanks again for helping out a newbie...