2-band Enfield Range Report

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40 Cal.
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
I was able to get out to the range today for a short shooting session with my 2-band Enfield from Armi-Sport.

Here is my target shot at 100 yards (see below).

All shots were from 100 yards, seated.

I used 60 grains of FFG Goex followed by overshot card, swaged pritchett ball pre-coated with Rooster Jacket, lubed in the base.

The one shot on the edge of the black was my last shot -- I changed the point of aim slight lower to try and get a bulls-eye. The other shots were using the same point of aim.

Next time I should have even tighter groups.

This rifle seems to like 60 grains of FFG. If I go lower, the groups start to open up.

Just for grins, next time out try the load with 55 grains and no overshot paper wad. It seems to me the paper wad would inhibit the soft lead base skirt from expansion into the grooves.
I had a Zouave many years ago and it shot best
with a lighter powder charge. I can't remember what type of grease I used for the base!

grzrob said:
Just for grins, next time out try the load with 55 grains and no overshot paper wad. It seems to me the paper wad would inhibit the soft lead base skirt from expansion into the grooves.
I had a Zouave many years ago and it shot best
with a lighter powder charge. I can't remember what type of grease I used for the base!


I would think that logic says the card would inhibit the expansion of the base skit.

But, I did try shooting about 15 rounds without the card and the groups were all over the place (using 50 to 65 grains).

This set-up is the most accurate -- as long as I coat the bullets with Rooster Jacket.
What is your source for swaged pritchett balls? How much do they weigh? What is the diameter. Do you ever use an Enfield type cartridge resulting in a paper patched bullet?
Hamkiller said:
What is your source for swaged pritchett balls? How much do they weigh? What is the diameter. Do you ever use an Enfield type cartridge resulting in a paper patched bullet?

I got the bullet at Dixie Gun Works:

It is 560 grains.

Rather than a lubed paper patch (which would have been used in the Civil War) I coat each bullet with Rooster Jacket. That works really well in making the bullet a snug fit and also limiting lead build up in the barrel.

I have tried a number of different combos with this bullet, and the Rooster Jacket coating, lubed base and overshot card seem to give me the tightest groups (with 60 grains of FFG).
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I paper patch with medical tape,lightly lubed. It's easy to put on and is porous enough to hold lube.My zouave has always liked a little heavier load with minnies. I usually shoot em over 75 gr. of 2f. I have never tried a pritchet. Still, that is a nice 100 yard group, so don't listen to me.
PaulTheWall said:
rubincam said:
-----rooster jacket- :confused: :confused: -----

It's a bullet lube. Its use was suggested on this Forum. I picked some up through Track of the Wolf:

Good stuff. And with the swaged bullets, using Rooster Jacket I don't have to go to the trouble of paper patching.

I am glad to see the results turned out so well. I am the one who suggested using Rooster Jacket bullet film lube on the DGW BU0906 Pritchett style swaged minie balls and the 24 ga. shotgun overshot cards. The overshot cards are just to prevent the powder from sticking to the lube. I have a supply of those products but have not yet experimented with the combination at the range. It seems you have done it for me.

Now, I will feel more confident of the results of that combination when I go to the range. I have 100 of the DGW BU0906 swaged minie balls and I have been waiting until I could solve the lubrication problem without wrapping the minies in paper. I will try 50 gr. but with 3F GOEX and see if I have similar a grouping. A 50 gr. load of 3F is approximately the same load as 60 gr. load of 2F but 3F burns hotter with less fouling.

If the Confederacy had Rooster Jacket film lube during the War Between the States, they would not had to go to the trouble of wrapping the smooth minie balls with lubed paper.
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1stTexas said:
PaulTheWall said:
rubincam said:
-----rooster jacket- :confused: :confused: -----

It's a bullet lube. Its use was suggested on this Forum. I picked some up through Track of the Wolf:

Good stuff. And with the swaged bullets, using Rooster Jacket I don't have to go to the trouble of paper patching.

I am glad to see the results turned out so well. I am the one who suggested using Rooster Jacket bullet film lube on the DGW BU0906 Pritchett style swaged minie balls and the 24 ga. shotgun overshot cards. The overshot cards are just to prevent the powder from sticking to the lube. I have a supply of those products but have not yet experimented with the combination at the range. It seems you have done it for me.

Now, I will feel more confident of the results of that combination when I go to the range. I have 100 of the DGW BU0906 swaged minie balls and I have been waiting until I could solve the lubrication problem without wrapping the minies in paper. I will try 50 gr. but with 3F GOEX and see if I have similar a grouping. A 50 gr. load of 3F is approximately the same load as 60 gr. load of 2F but 3F burns hotter with less fouling.

If the Confederacy had Rooster Jacket film lube during the War Between the States, they would not had to go to the trouble of wrapping the smooth minie balls with lubed paper.

Glad I could test this for you! And I really appreciate the suggestion. Yes, the combo of the rooster jacket coating and overshot card works very well. And since you only have to lube the base, loading is relatively quick.

Good luck when you try this out!

Thanks again.
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