Okay fellas, finally began my offhanded shooting testing. Got rained out yesterday. By the time the weather cleared off, it was too late for me.
Went out back this morning. Placed the target at only 15 yards to begin this process. At first I was pretty much aiming center mass. 4th shot hit low and left which verified my thoughts. I was not being mindful of butt stock placement on my arm.
Went back out for the 5th shot being mindful of this and aimed for the shoulder. It hit pretty much point of aim.
I have no doubts that whenever I miss, it’s to the left. Most likely due to butt stock/ shoulder/arm placement. Last season I chased my tail a whole lot trying to figure out what the problem was. Considering that, for whatever reason, I cannot seem to shoot this little rifle accurately from a bench, I was always guessing. Offhanded was a real disaster. So between butt stock/arm/shoulder placement and forward hand placement, now I know.
So, it’s a start anyway. I’ll most likely increase distance the next time. I also need to aim a little more for the neck/front leg and see what happens. My old eyes just ain’t good enough nowadays to be aiming for the head unless it’s a real close shot.
Also, through practice I’ve found that there is no doubt I can hold my Crockett squirrel rifle steadier with the brass ramrod instead of the hickory ramrod. That little bit of added weight makes the difference. Thanks again, Jim K.
That 4th shot puts true meaning to the term “getting its arse shot off”.