is a 200 yard,15 shot group I shot this week with my Pedersoli Gibbs. 540 grain paper patch bullet cast at 24:1, no over powder wad, 90 grains of 1 1/2 Swiss, RWS caps. Accuracy with 24:1 P.P. and G.G. bullets is excellent using NO over powder wad. Doesn't this fly in the face of "accepted" muzzleloading knowledge concerning soft lead and O.P. wads? cheers Paul[/quote]
Good shooting.
It would be more informative if you had shot a group with a wad in the load column as well. I think that you will find that the wad will be more accurate if you do enough testing. It will average better. What if, for example, using a wad removed the two widest shots? This may require a lot of shooting to really know. It require multiple groups to eliminate shooter errors.
Shot without wads it is invariably found that the bullet base is significantly dimpled by the powder grains.
Rough bullet bases are not good for accuracy. Since no two are going to be dimpled identically it can be a variable and eliminating variables is part of finding accuracy.
And there are almost always exceptions to every rule.
The Irish team used wads to clean the bore between shots and eliminate wiping in the matches against the Americans. But they lost, though it was very close.