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28 guage knows how to make meat also !

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silent sniper

40 Cal.
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Sense my new 12 guage got to go hunting a few days ago it was time for my grandpas dixie gun works 28 guage to go on a trek.I drove over to aarons house and we started out. As soon as we hit the woods we saw a fox squirrel sitting on a limb 35 yards away. Aaron pulled up his crockett rifle and shot. It was a close miss and the squirrel ran up the tree. I bolted towards it and got ready to give it the 28 guage. it was about a 15 yard shot. I shot but the gun didnt go off :blah: I recapped and tried again. This time the 28 guage barked and the squirrel fell from the tree dead. I grabbed the squirrel and we made our way over to the corn bins where there was a pest problem with the pidgens. They were crapping all over the bins and in the corn. So we got in the horse trailer and got ready. The pidgens landed and Aaron got ready. He shot and dropped the pidgen. It was 1 less vermin to poop on the equipment.Then we went back to Aarons house to fill up on deer strogonoff and deer jerky. After we were full Aaron grabbed his double 14 guage and we went after some rabbits. We walked all over Aaron's land and didnt jump one rabbit. All we saw was lots of fox tracks. So we are guessing the foxs cleaned out the rabbit population. Next time we are going to take along the predator call and see if we can call one in for our 32's to deal with :haha: We went over to my house to see if we would have better luck. Ive been taking care of the feral cats and other serious rabbit predators and now im blessed with some very good rabbit hunting ground. I walked into a thick brush patch and heard Aaron yell "rabbit" just before the boom of the double. I walked over to see Aaron grinning ear to ear standing over a dead rabbit. it was a 20 yard running shot. We walked a little ways and Aaron stepped on a thorn bush. A rabbit shot out. I threw up the 28 guage and shot.I saw the rabbit drop. the shot was alot louder then normal. I look over to see that Aaron had also shot.Aaron tried to convince me that he had hit it but I said that it was mine. we walked up and the shot patterns in the snow told the story. Aarons load had hit the rabbit in the backend. my load had hit kinda low and only a couple bbs hit the rabbit. But they hit the rabbit in the head so the rabbit got a double load. We then walked over to my neighbors and told him about our hunt. He showed us a fox he had snared. So we oviouly have alot of foxs around. Im really hoping that I will get a chance at one with the muzzleloader. That would be awesome. Im still playing around with the loads in the 28 guage. right now im using 50 grains FF,OP wad,60 grains shot,half of OP wad. It is still patterning slightly low at 25 yards. I can either cut shot load down to 50 grains or bump powder up to 60. Also I was wondering if it would be safe to use 3F in the 28 guage ? FF powder is very dirty in such a small bore. Does anyone else have any experence with the old dixie imported 28 guage smoothbores ? Would it be safe to use 45 or 50 grains of FFF in it ? The barrel walls are pretty thick and im not concerned about it but I thought I would ask first to make sure. Anyways Aaron and I had yet another great time and we are going to go again a few more times this week so be prepared for more stories :rotf: I really like the little 28 guage. It is light and easy to carry. It is fun to shoot also. As soon as I get load all figured out then I will have a real winner. cheers SS
silent sniper said:
the shot was alot louder then normal. I look over to see that Aaron had also shot.Aaron tried to convince me that he had hit it but I said that it was mine.

SS, now this brings back memories. I don't know how many times that happened between my brother and me when we were about your age. We would here that extra loud shot, and then look at each other and could see the same thought come over our faces, "Oh, don't you even try to claim that kill!". One time we shot at a pheasant simultaneously, but he was using 7 1/2 shot, and I was using 6's. So to settle the argument, we spit out pellets on our plates at dinner and counted up the tally. I WON! :blah:

Great story SS! You'll remember these times for the rest of your life. Bill
Great SS Glad your having fun this week. Glad the little gun is doing good for you. Just be careful you two. :thumbsup: PP Dilly
You better go back and put some paragraphs in that story before capper sees it! :shocked2: