2F To 3F Grains Conversion Table

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69 Cal.
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
In the past there has been a table posted which gives the correct conversion for 2F to 3F in grains. Could someone please re-post it?

A copy of it in "Member Resources" would be nice and make it easy to find for others later.


Don't remember seeing that...short of having it of course, I assume you're already aware of the industry rule of thumb to reduce 2F load data by 10-15% when substituting 3F...that's all I've done so far and it seems to work fine
are ya talking bout how much 3f and 4f was in a 2f can of powder and 4f in a can of 3f....i remember some body doing a sifting test to see what % of what came with each grade....but i don't remember who did it, sorry but someone has....i think someone will reply to who it was :v .................bob
Roundball's right here. All you need to do is cut back from 10% to 15% when switching back to FFFg. It's a good figure for pistols and rifles.
white buffalo,

roundball provided the information that I needed.

I use to have a friend who worried about the sifting of powder inside the cans as he would travel. He felt that eventually the fines (very small particles) would end up at the bottom of the can. His solution was to carry the cans cap up on the way to whereever he was going and cap down on the way home. It worked for his worries.


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